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I burst through the doors of the dining room hoping I'm not late, but of course I was. I saw everyone standing behind their chairs. They all looked amazing. I particularly liked julekas dress. And Alyas too.
"I am so, so sorry I am late." I apologized and tried to walk as fast as i could in these heels.
I saw that mother and father weren't there. I knew that they wouldn't be, it would be a bit suspicious if they were. But, I did see Amberle and Kitania. They just walked in holding a scroll with my family seal on.
"Ahem! Ahem!" Amberle coughed to get everyone's attention.
"Due to the attacks upon the royal family, the king, queen and the princess can not be here tonight." Amberle said, giving me a slight glance. I smirk.
"But, they wish you have an amazing night and will see you all at the ball. Now, if everyone could sit down and get comfortable, the head chef will bring you your chosen starters." Amberle finished off and sat down herself whilst Kitania went into the kitchen with Frankie.
"Girl! your late." Alya nudged me.
"yes, yes. i know. its okay though, the staff here are used to it." i laugh.
*Adrien POV*
'I can't get her out of my head. i dont know why she's just stuck there. I wish she would talk to me properly, i really want to get to know her more. She's so beautiful. Even though she was late, she walkes into the room elegantly. Like a, Like a, Queen. She can be my queen' i sat thinking. i wasn't as close to marinette as i wouldve liked to be. i had Nino and Alya in the way. i sighed. I know she hates me, but i wish she didnt. I rest my head on my hand and wait for either someone to start a conversation with me or my starters to come. i was knocked out of my little daydream by Nino. He has a questioning look on his face. It then turned to understanding. I had told Nino about these thoughts of Marinette a while ago.
"dude, you good?" he asked me. i shrugged my shoulders.
"ah dude, your in a situation where only you can help yourself. you just need to talk to mari bro." he patted my shoulder. i frowned.
"she doesnt talk to me. she hates me." i sighed. "i dont know how long i can put up with this."
Nino began tapping his chin. Suddenly, his eues widened.
"ive got it! how about me and alya set you up? get you two in a room together and in a situation where she cant run away?" Nino asked. i thought about it.
i didnt want to put marinette under pressure. But, it seemed to be the only option at the moment so i nodded.
"great!" nino smiled. "1 problem dude, im going to have to tell alya about these thoughts. that okay?" nino asked
i thought again. If i say no but go along with the plan anyways and it goes okay or goes badly, Marinette would probably tell alya anyways.
"sure, she'll figure it out one way or another." i smile. Nino grins and taps alya on the shoulder and stafts whispering. I glanced at Marinette again. she was talking to Kim. it kind if made me a bit jealous. i have no idea why. i internally groan and slap my forehead.
"Okay, so great news. Alya is on board with the plan." nino said giving me a thumbs up.
"thanks bro." i said. Then the double doors infront of us burst open. it was the chef with our meal. finally! i was starving.
                                                  ♡ ♡
*marinette pov*
"excuse me, i must use the bathroom." i say as i stand up and leave the dining room.
as i was washinh my hands, my phone beeped. i dried my hands and unlocked my phone. i had revieved the creepiest text from alya.
'come to the closet near the garden entrance and come alone...' i didnt know what to do. i stood fir about five minutes and me being stupid, i went along with it.
i texted back-
'im here x' it said it had been seen. but she never replied. i suddenly felt like a fool. i was about to walk way until my phone beeped again.
another text from alya-
'walk in and close your eyes. do not! open your eyes at any point or turn on the light.'
i was curious. is this some sort of trick? is this really alya? it could be the attackers and theyve hacked my phone. but once again my curiosity got the best of me. i opened my the door and closed my eyes and walked in. i stood still. it was a small room so i could feel where i was. i heard the door shut, but i didnt hear it lock.
i knew there was someone in the room with me. i could hear their shaky breath.
"hello?" i say.
"hi." the mystery person said. i think i recognize that voice but i wasnt so sure.
"who is that?" i say. i was getting kind of scared.
"um i cant say." they said. it was a male. i was 100% sure.
"please? i'm getting a bit scared." i say, eyes still closed, trying to step backwards. they grabbed my hands.
"don't be scared please, i promise i won't hurt you marinette."
"you know my name." i felt myself start to calm but i was still cautious.
"yes, we're very good friends." they said. we're still holding hands. it feels as though he doesn't want to let go of them. his hands are very soft.
"we are?"
"yes, we are. and i have developed feelings for you that are way beyond friendship." they say. i could hear the nervousness in their voice. they carried on talking. i still had no clue who it was. oh i'm such a bad friend for not knowing who this is.
"marinette, you are such an amazing person. your so kind, talented, caring. you make the best food and presents. you are a brilliant friend and i dont know anyone who could possibly despise you. except chloe, she hates everyone. you are so funny, beautiful, smart, clumsy at times but that's just another reason to love you." he stopped. i felt a smile growing on my face.
"i mean like not love." he hesitated.
"wait no. i do love you. there isn't a word that goes beyond love is there? i didn't know if i could do this in person so i got alya and nino to help me. hopefully your catching on to who i am." he whispered.
"i dont know. i'm such a bad friend i'm so sorry" i laughed. he joined in with me. i felt and heard him step towards me. i got anxious again.
"and that's okay. i love games. just as much as i love you." he said.
he pulled me to him. i felt a tingle in my stomach. i felt his hands crawl up to my face. i knew what he wanted. is it bad that i wanted it too?
"may i?" he asked. i thought that it was so cute that he asked me if i would allow him to kiss me.
"yes." i say. and before i knew it his lips smashed onto mine. he was a great kisser. it was gentle yet passionate. his hands moved to my lower back but stopped there as my skirt got in the way. my hands were in his hair, moans could be heard. we stopped for a second to catch our breath but i didn't care. i dont know what it was but i wanted him. i kisses him again. he left my lips and pecked all down my neck, down to my shoulder and back up to my lips, leaving a one or two love bites on the way.
as we carried on i heard another buzz. it wasn't my phone though. it was his.
"princess, i must leave." he panted.
"no stay, please let me see who you are" i asked also panting. i just wanted to be with him.
"i cant i'm sorry." he stroked my cheek.
"but.." i heard the door open and shut again. i sighed sadly. i know his voice from somewhere but i cant remember.
i quickly composed myself and straightened out my outfit and tried to cover the marks. i stepped out of the closet feeling so cold. i decided to ignore that feeling and go back to the room, i've been away too long and everyone must be wondering where i've been.
i opened the door slightly. i saw that frankie had just served the meal so i sat down and hoped no one noticed me. but, obviously alya did.
"so. what happened?" alya said mischievously. i glared at her.
"i will not talk about it at the dinner table. though, you had me scared alya." i said.
"i'm sorry but i needed to do it. it was a favor for a close friend." she said and winked at me like i was supposed to know who that was.
"and which close friend would that be?" i asked.
"wait he didn't tell you?" alya asked shocked. i shook my head and went to pick up my fork to eat my meal.
"wow. he's fucked up again." is all i heard alya say before she shut up and ate her food too. i rolled my eyes.
*adrien pov*
"so how'd it go dude?" nino asked intrigued. i gave him a grin.
"it went amazing bro. i kissed her." i said with joy. i've never been this happy.
"like a peck or?" he raised his eyebrows and smirked.
"no- uhm yes just a peck." i held back. i was almost 100% that it was more than 'just a peck.'
"my man, you should've went full out. did you tell her who you were?" nino asked as he slurped on his chicken soup.
"um no. i was too embarrassed. i confessed everything. all of my feelings, thoughts i just couldn't say who i was. like what if she rejected me. i couldn't live with myself. the embarrassment." i wrinkled my nose at the thought.
"dude chill. i promise that marinette would never turn you down. who would? your adrien flippin' agreste." nino said encouragingly. i smiled.
"thanks nino." i patted him on the shoulder.
"anytime my dude" he said slurping.
"omg nino stop." i winced.
"what? i'm not doing anything" he said putting his hands up in complete innocence.
"stop slurping. just open your mouth, put the spoon inside, close your mouth, swallow and then take it out." we both laughed.
he did what i said and only just managed to do it. i shook my head and ate mine.
— after dinner//8pm —
everyone was having the best time ever. after we had our dinner we all moved into the ballroom. we danced, drank, ate a few snacks, chatted, sang. all was good until a red alarm started beeping. really really loudly. everyone stopped and started to look confused. the dj? well he shut the music off and sprinted out of the room. suddenly four guards, and two men in suits came in and went straight over to marinette, who looked like she had seen a ghost.
they were talking, and she broke into tears. she ran out of the room, followed by all the men and alya, who also had tears in her eyes. i didn't know what happened. i was so confused.
one of the guards came and told us to go into a safety room that was at the back of the palace. i wasn't going to lie i was so scared. did someone die? are we getting attacked?
we all did as we were told, everyone seemed quite calm.
once we were in, it was packed. most of the staff were there. i saw miss bustier, frankie the chef, those two maids but i didn't see marinette or alya. i wonder what happened.
we were in there for about an hour or so, when someone on a speaker started talking.
"we are so so sorry for keeping everyone in here not informed. But we have some very sad, important news.
Whilst fighting against the asassinators, the king has been gravely injured." the person told us. everyone in the room gasped. suddenly all the staff started hugging each other and crying. i wonder why this news was so bad for marinette and alya? i guess they are close to the princess, i guess they must've been upset for her and ran out to find her.
"as of this, the coronation will be moving up to a few days." the person on the speaker spoke again. i heard a few gasps. i was quite excited. me and nino were literalllu just talking about nothing, to take our mind off the girls when the doors open finally. they told us to go straight to our rooms and to not go anywhere without an adult until morning.
*marinette pov*
when they told me what happened to papa, i didn't know what to do, how to act, what to say. i just ran. i ran all the way with alya to the private hospital next to the castle. when i walks in everyone bowed and tried to be as respectful as they could but u just ignored them and ran straight to my fathers bed.
"father!" i was in shock when i saw him. i friend even more than i thought possible.
(i'm not going to describe these injury's for you, incase anyone doenst like things like this. so, i'm just going to let you picture what it's like Xx)
he was asleep and i kne ain't should've let him stay sleeping and rest abit but all i wanted to do was talk to him incase...well incase he stays sleeping forever.
"princess, you should really let him rest." the nurse urged.
"no! i will not let him rest i need to talk to him." i almost screamed.he looked a bit taken back by me raising my voice. he nodded then walked away. i took a deep breath in and gently tapped him on what was left of his shoulder. my tears driooed into him. i tapped abit more firmly but no sign of awakening at time soon. his pulse was weak but still there.
"father?" i ask quietly incase the inside of his ears were damaged too.
"father can you hear me?" i hesitated. i was so so scared he will pass. mother isn't here yet and my coronation is in 2 days.
"father please respond to me." is whailed. i completely broke down to the floor. but, like the bestfriend that she is , alya came and sat next to me on the floor. she put both her arms around me and i leant into her embrace.
"i-i-i- i don't know what i'm going to do without him if he doesn't wake." i cried a little bit more.
"awh mari! he's going to be fine. i'm sure he has gotten the best doctors and nurses here to help him recover. he's not going anywhere i promise." and alya hugged me again.
"please alya. please don't make promises you can't keep. but i love you and thankyou for staying with me." i say. she sighed and smiled.
"your welcome girl. just don't worry!" she said again and helped us both to the chairs and wait for my mother but then, the worst possible thing that i could've ever imagined happened before my eyes. i didn't know what to do. i wanted to scream but i couldn't.
omdssss i'm so sorry that it's taken so long for me to update. speaking of long, this is my longest chapters with 2691 words like i promised. i hope yous all had a very merry christmas and a brilliant new year. love yous all lots and lots xx

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