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"3 minutes till landing. Please make sure that seat belts are fastened and everyone is sat down" the pilot spoke through the speakers. I was so nervous. What would happen when my feet touch the ground? What will happen when my friends see me leave? What will happen if I actually do get assassinated?
"Girl! Don't worry. You'll be okay. Once you've left, I'll send you the location of our hotel" Alya said reassuringly, rubbing my right shoulder.
"Thank you Alya" I say as she pulls me into a light hug. Then there was a loud noise and my ears popped. We have landed. I felt the plane getting slower, and slower with every passing second. When we were allowed off of the plane, I cautiously walked down the steps and gathered with my friends to take cover and hide from paparazzi and any suspected people who basically hate me. Then I saw two big looking guys come up to me. That must be Cole and Josh. I waved at them, but they didn't look very friendly.
"Ouch!" Alya said. Wait. That wasn't Alya's voice. I wasn't gripping onto Alya at all I was holding on to...Adrien?!!
"Oh gosh Adrien! I'm so sorry I thought you were Alya!" I apologized. But before I could hear Adrien's response, the two guys were suddenly right infront of me. They both grabbed an arm each and tried to drag me away. Adrien, Kim, Alix and Alya all ran to set me free.
"Guys stop!" I shout to my friends.
"Your going to get yourself hurt!" I sigh. I heard the men grunt behind me.
"I would listen to the Princess. You are making things worse for her." One of them said.
"Princess?" Adrien asked.
"No! I won't leave Mari. I won't let you's take her away!" Alya shouted at them and charged away. She was then grabbed also and the others suddenly backed away frightened. Alya knew what was going to happen to us both. A tear rolled down her face. Everyone in the airport had ran away from the scene and I could already hear the sirens. I could also hear one very loud squealing. I understand that Chloe was scared but I think that this was a little over the top. Mrs Bustier took all of my classmates inside. I could see them watching at the window along with other passerby's and... James. Oh no.
Then, two other men came and kicked them both in the stomachs and they both released us and fell to the floor.
"Sorry not sorry!" The man said. He had Blonde hair and a really good jawline. I couldn't see his eyes because he had glasses on. The other man had brown hair with a dark blonde streak on the side. He also had glasses on. But the glasses didn't stand in my way, for me to uncover their identities.
Before I could speak the assassinators got up and ran away to escape. I sighed and turned my focus back on the men who saved us.
"Cole? Josh?" I asked. They look off their glasses and gave me and Alya a bright smile.
"You know it, Princess."? They said and I ran to their arms.
"Thank you so much for saving me and my friend Alya." I say as I pointed to Alya who waved shyly. Since when was Alya shy?
"Your welcome Princess." Cole said. Cole was the blonde one who had the most unbelievably dark brown eyes, and Josh was the brunette who has amazing emerald green eyes. They remind me of Adrien. Oh no! My class. I looked towards them. They were staring. Confused I'm guessing.
"Well. Those guys will come back eventually so let's get you back home. Your mother and father awaits your arrival." Josh said as he led me and Alya to the car.
Alya was very quiet since we got in the car. Josh was in the front driving while Cole squished in the back with us.
"Are you okay?" I ask her. She looked at me and smiled.
"Yeah. It's just not everyday you get pulled along with your friend in an assassination attempt." Alya laughed. I could still see the terror in her eyes though.
"We are safe now. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone. I promise." I say as I hug her. She hugged me back. I finally took my phone out my bag and I saw I had lots of notifications.
12 missed called of Rose, 15 missed called of Juleka, 9 missed calls of Nino, 34 missed called of Adrien and over 60+ messages. I guess people really were shocked.
"Princess. You can't answer those messages. This must be kept a secret until your a Queen." Cole said as he took my phone with hesitation. And put it back in my bag.
I nodded and continued to look at the scenery of china as we get to the palace.
It seemed like such a long journey but we eventually arrived. It seemed bigger than the last time I was here.
"Welcome home Princess." Josh said as he opened the car door for me and Alya to get out.
"Thank you." I said as I hugged him and grabbed Alya's hand and ran into my home.

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