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I had gotten changed and left the palace to find Alya, Nino and Adrien. It would be stupid of me to go into a busy place where everyone knows who I am without my security guards. Cole and Josh wanted to be by my side at all times but I though that would be a little suspicious to the boys so I made them stand at least 3 feet behind me.
As I walked past, I could feel the eyes on me, watching my every move. I didn't really think nothing of it until someone jumped infront if me and grabbed my shoulders. It took me about 3 seconds to realize who it was. Josh and Cole nearly tackled him to the floor.
"Woah guys chill. It's only James. You know? The boy I met in the plane!" I said.
"I knew you look a little familiar, princess." He nodded his head slightly.
I was silent.
"Well yes. I didn't actually realize that you were from here. So um yeah." I stuttered abit.
"Wanna take a walk? I was about to leave and I would like to get to know you better." He smiled kindly.
"Sure. What's the harm." I said. Forgetting all about Alya and the lads.
We had spent nearly 3 hours just walking about and making quick stops to candy stores and dress stores.
"We should probably be heading back. I'm sure your parents are wondering where you are." I smiled.
"I guess. Want to get some ice cream first?" He said, giving me another one of his flashing smiles. I couldn't help but be a little charmed by him. He was so sweet and was very handsome.
"Of course!" We laughed. Even his laugh is magnificent!
I got strawberry flavored ice cream whilst James got mint choc chip.
"I've had a really good time James. I've never been allowed out of that damn castle, so thank you for keeping me company." I smile.
"Anytime, Marinette." He said. From there it was kind of awkward. It was like some sort of date in one of those movies, where the guy walks the girl home and kisses her goodnight. Except we were just standing there.
"So um yeh goodnight." He said and was leaning in for a hug. I guess a goodbye hug wouldn't do any harm.
"Yeah goodnight. And thankyou again." I said as I returned the hug and quickly moved away. I walked inside the gates and watched him walk away.
I entered my home with a guilty smile. I was too caught up with James that I completely forgot about Alya, Nino and Adrien!
Oh no. Adrien. The love of my life. I've just hugged another boy even though I am completely and utterly In love with Adrien.
When I walked into my room, I came face to face with a very unhappy Alya.
"Where have you been girl!" Alya said harshly.
"Uhm I kinda got distracted. I am so so Alya, I never meant to forget about you!" I apologized.
"Girlll. It's fine but like what about Adrien? He had something very important he needed to tell you!" She said.
Something he needed to tell me? Like what?
"I feel so bad. I was literally on my way to meet you guys but then I ran into James and he took me around and I just completely forgot!" I said quietly.
"James? The James we met in the plane? Girl you have to tell me everything!" She squealed. And suddenly it was as if Adrien never existed.
I began to tell Alya everything we spoke about. His family, my family, life as a secret princess, school, hobbies everything.
"He sounds amazing. If Adrien wasn't here I'd ship yous. But adrienette is endgame, you know that." Alya said with a little smile.
"I seriously don't know how anyone goes along with these nicknames for us." I laughed.
"what?! they're amazing." Alya protested.
"They're abit cringy no? Maybe just me then." I said laughing as Alya rolled her eyes.
"Girlll. Any chance I could stay in you're room?" Alya asked.
"Of course! You can stay here whenever. There's another bed if you go through those cupboards." I pointed out.
"Ah yes I see it." She said. I smiled.
♡ ♡
*adrien pov*
Me, Nino and Alya has just gotten back from the markets. We had the most amazing time, they had loads of cool stuff there. I think we were all a bit disappointed when Marinette ditched us. I was really looking forward to being with her.
It was getting quite late though and as Nino and I said goodnight to Alya, I happened to look out of the window. I saw Marinette with some guy. I already didn't like the look of him. They hugged and said goodbye or whatever. But that hug seemed too close for comfort. I needed to know who he was.
"Damn, dude. You gunna be okay?" Nino asked.
"Yeah I'll be fine. Just some stupid bloke right? I bet he doesn't mean anything." I said as I faked a smile.
"You know it. He doesn't even come close to you, Marinette has been obsessed with you since the first day." He said. "Anyways bro, I think I'm gunna go to sleep now. Night man." Nino fist pumped me and left.
I needed to sleep on this. I went back to my room, had a quick hot shower and went to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
so I won't be ending this story but I just realized that I only have like 2/3 more chapters left. The endings gunna be a big one ;)
anyways, so sorry for the delay like my mind has been going crazy and I needed a short break. Like literally everything I kept coming up with made 0 sense so I'm sorry if you don't understand this chapter I just wanted to give you one. It's short lol sorry.
Pls leave suggestions for more stories!
have a lovely day.

♡ p.s- I am absolutely heartbroken to hear abou xxxtentaction's death. he was one of my favourite rappers, gone too soon.💔
♡ buttt ariana grandes new song 'the light is coming" came out yesterday & you can also preorder the album along with some new merch! issa bop

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