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When we stepped off of the coach, the first thing we saw was a cabin. It was surrounded by police officers and other people who lived around here. I have to admit, it was no hotel but it was so beautiful.

When we got inside there was a bit on the wall

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When we got inside there was a bit on the wall. It was all our names for our dorms.
Group 1-
Alix & Kim
Rose & Juleka
Adrien & Nino
Marinette & Alya.
Group 2-
Chloe & Sabrina
Ivan & Mylene
Nathaniel & Max
Lila & -
I was so happy I wasn't put into Chloe's group. Even though she has been my best friend since I can remember, by I just can't handle her screeching sometimes. It's annoying and embarrassing. But I was happy I was put with Marinette and Alya. We were about to head to our rooms when a limo showed up at the front and two girls came out. Me and Nino went to get a better look at who it was. I was relieved to see it was Marinette and Alya. I ran out to see them.
"Marinette! Alya!" I shouted and waved. They turned to look at me and shyly waved back. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nino coming towards me. I waved for him to run over and he did; we both raced over to Marinette and Alya.
{Marinette POV}
"Marinette! Alya!" I heard someone shout. It was a male person. We turned to look at him and saw his face. That beautiful face, with emerald green eyes I always find myself getting lost in them. His gorgeous golden hair swaying as he and Nino made their way over to us. That's when I realized what was going on. We waved shyly and turned around again.
"Oh shit! Alya what should I say? They can't know who I am yet." I ask desperately. Alya put her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry girl. I've got ya covered." I smile. That's when the boys approached us. And both gave us a hug. I was FREAKING OUT. Adrien was hugging me. THE Adrien Agreste was hugging me. He and Nino switched places. I hugged Nino.
"We are so glad you guys are okay. The whole class has been so worried about you." Nino said. I smile. The thought of everyone caring about mine and Alya's safety filled my heart with joy. Nino what honestly the sweetest best friend ever. When I first arrived in Paris I had no one. I was bullied by Chloe, I didn't speak french as fluently as I can now, I was a mess. But one lunch time, Nino and I were last to get lunch so there was hardly anyone in the dinner hall. I went to sit on a different table, far away from everyone when I caught Nino staring at me. At first it made me very self-conscious but when he got up with his tray of food and sat down with me, we kind of hit it off and have been best friends ever since. He brought out the outgoing, stubborn Marinette and I don't know how I could thank him for it.
"Thanks Nino!" I smile and give him a thumbs up.
"So do you guys want to tell us what happened?" Adrien asked. I gulped. I looked at Alya and she nodded. I sighed. I couldn't do it. I couldn't lie to them any longer.
"Guys there is something I need to tell you. Something about me that no one knows yet." I start off. I glance towards Alya. Her eyes grew massive and her jaw dropped. She knew what I was about to do.
"I'm the-" I was cut off by Alya.
"She is a very close friend to the princess and was kept under her supervision until it was okay to come back." Alya smiled. "The assassins knew who Mari was and wanted to use her as bait to try and get the princess out of the castle but it didn't work because the princess' personal guards came and rescued us." Alya huffed. I mouthed a thank you to Alya. Adrien and Nino didn't say anything. "Hm. Okay then." Nino said bluntly. I was desperate to change the subject.
"So. Uh what's been happening since we've been gone?" I ask.
"Nothing much. People were freaking out when you two were taken but then everyone seemed to calm down as we got here. Oh and me and Nino are in your half for dorm rooms." Adrien smiled. His smile is so beautiful I could cry.
"Whoo! We're going to have such a good time!" Alya squealed. I coughed. I wasn't staying here tonight. It was too dangerous. She knew that. She quickly realized and started to calm down.
"Actually guys, I won't be staying here tonight. I'm going...home. To my house. My grandparents are waiting for me there." I say sadly. I didn't want to leave them. They looked disappointed.
"I need to find Miss Bustier. I'll be back soon." I wave to them and had inside.
I was stopped by a few of my classmates, asking if I was okay. I have them all the same, simple answer. 'yes, I'm okay thankyou.' It was getting annoying, but I finally managed to get to miss bustiers room. I knocked of the door three times. The door opened and she gasped.
"Marinette! Oh dear, how are you?" She asked as she rushed me inside. I smile.
"I'm okay thank you. I actually have a favour to ask." I say politely. She nodded.
"I won't be here until tomorrow afternoon because I have to see my parents and make more preparations for the ball. I was hoping you would make sure that everyone knows I'm okay and that you would keep Alya safe by not letting her get to far away." I say. I could feel my voice trembling.
"Of course Marinette. Is that all?" She asked kindly. I was lucky to have such a kind, gentle, caring teacher. I smile.
"Yes thank you. I will have josh and Cole drop me off tomorrow at 5pm." I said. Miss Bustier stood up and opened the door.
"Be careful Marinette." She said as I walked away.
"Thank you miss Bustier." I wave and walk outside to meet with Alya, Adrien and Nino.
"Okay. I'm leaving now. I'll see you guys tomorrow okay?" I said as I pulled them all in for a hug.
"See you tomorrow Mari." Adrien said.
"See ya dudette." Nino sighed.
"Be careful Mari. Say hi to you mom and dad for me." Alya whispered the last part.
"Bye!" I say as I leave them and get into the car. I didn't know how I felt. I was happy that I was able to leave from the chaos but sad I was leaving and lying to my friends.
"Ready to leave princess?" Cole asked. I nodded and we headed off to wherever my parents were hiding.
Hope you enjoy this chapter. I might be posting the Q/A later on tonight and will be updating it regularly. I go back to school in 9 days and I really don't want to go. It's also my brothers birthday tomorrow so I won't get a chance to post anything. Have a good day/night -Bug xx

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