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Wow. All I could think is how amazing my home looked. It was big but not too big. It was I perfect condition. I bet grandma and grandpa have been looking after it. It's beautiful!

"Mari!!!" Alya jumped up and down

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"Mari!!!" Alya jumped up and down. I'm happy she's feeling safer. I don't know what I'd do if Alya got hurt. I smile.
"Well. Want to go inside?" I smirked.
"Omg yes yes yes yes!!" She squealed as we both ran into the courtyard.
What on earth just happened?! Who were those guys. All I wanted to do was help Marinette. I have so many questions. Where did they go? Who were those guys? Who were the guys that saved them? What did they mean my 'princess?'
"Adrien. C'mon dude we gotta go." Nino said pulling me away from the window.
"Where are we going?" I asked him. I didn't want to go with Nino. I didn't want to go with any of my classmates or teachers. I wanted to go after Marinette and Alya.
"To the hotel. Miss Bustier said we gotta get to safety then tomorrow we'll do everything we were supposed to do today." He finished before we were both pulled onto the coach.
I hope Marinette and Alya are both safe.
I had already gotten lost in my own home. Luckily for us, Cole was here. Josh had to leave to collect our things from Miss Bustier and find out what hotel our class is staying at.
"Well. A lot has changed since you've been away Mari. But your grandparents haven't changed a thing in your room." Cole smiled as she opened the castle doors.
He wasn't lying. There were more photos of me, my mom and dad. But mostly me when I was a baby. They were framed in a photo frame with diamonds along the edges. It was really pretty. The halls were covered in marble. It was no longer wood or carpet. The walls and floor was marble.
"Mari! Awh look how cute you were." Alya said as she pointed to a photo with my mothers crown around my neck because it was too big and my head slipped right through. I laughed.
"Hey, wanna have a tour?" I asked her. Her eyes widened.
"Do I? Do I?! Yes I do omg!" She jumped and started pulling me along. The first room we came to was the living quarter. We stepped into the living room. Alya looked very impressed. So was I. It was gorgeous.

"This is our private living room

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"This is our private living room. No staff except my ladies can enter. Just the royal family. It's changed since I've been here. It used to have a colour theme of red, white and purple. But I love this." I laugh as Alya goes to sit down.
"Mari honestly it's amazing. I still can't believe you live here like omg!" She says. I laughed.
"Shall we move on?" I asked. Alya nodded and we headed to the dining room.

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