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i wanted to scream but i couldn't...

i heard the doors burst open and there were lots of screams and shouting. i had no idea what was going on but one of my security pushed me and alya underneath fathers bed.
i mouthed to alya 'what's going on?' she shrugged but i caught a glimpse of worry in her eyes.
all of a sudden i hear gunshots and saw my security drop to the floor and someone's heavy black boots approach fathers side. i wanted to scream but alya put her hand over my mouth and shook her head. both of us, had tears streaming down our cheeks.
"load the gun" i heard a muffled voice say, probably the assassins. they didn't want to hurt father, they wanted me. alya took her hand away from my mouth slowly. i mouthed again 'i'm going to hand myself to them.' alyas eyes grew 10X bigger. she shook her head faster than ever before. i kissed her knuckles in a sign of respect and loyalty. and a goodbye. as i tried to escape alyas grasp and crawl from underneath the bed, fathers soldiers burst into the room and the assasains scattered. jumping through windows, trying to break through the walls! even trying to get past the guards. of course that didn't work out very well for them. most of them got taken away but the rest had disappeared. i will never be safe. i heard alyas sigh of relief.
"where's the princess? find the princess!" i heard my guards shout.
"wait! we're here." i say and managed to get out. everyone let out a deep breath.
they bowed their heads and i wiped my tears away. i saw alya try to get out and helped her up.
"princess, we must get you and your friend to your private quarters. guards will stay with your father, and your classmates will be taken care of." one of the soldiers said.
"alya, can you stay with everyone? i need some time alone and you may need to sort everything out." i asked.
alya put her hand on my shoulder and smiled softly.
"of course mari, i understand. what do you want me to tell them?" alya said.
"just say that, me and the king were quite close and the attack came as a shock. i am with the princess safe and sound please." i said and she nodded.
i waved as the guards escorted her out of the room and back to where my friends and teachers were.
i sat next to father. i felt the tears fall down my cheeks. i wiped them away as fast as i could, i had to stay strong for father and just pray he makes a fast recovery.
i heard footsteps. this time i was very cautious, but it was just my guards ready to take me back.
"princess." he said. i nodded and stood up. i kissed my father on the head.
"wake up soon father, i need you and i love you." i whispered and left the room.
{alya pov.}
the guards opened the doors to the ballroom, to which i find was empty. i searched around and couldn't find anyone except the guards. as i was about to ask someone, the double doors opened and everyone flooded in. i was suddenly swamped with questions i couldn't answer. i managed to egg to the front of the room to clean everything up.
"okay okay listen up! the attack on the king came as a very big shock to the princess and as we all know marinette is close to the royal family. so she went to see her."
"so where is marinette now? shouldn't she be here with you?" kim asked.
"um. i lost marinette whilst we were hiding but i think she is with the princess keeping her company. okay, no more questions i cant be bothered to answer them." i said and walked away. i really hoped marinette was okay.
i met up with nino and adrien. we all decided to call it a night and go to bed. everyone else did too except chloe and sabrina. they were up till about 3am. we could hear theirs sniggers in every corridor they walked into. and when they went to sleep, i was finally at peace.
i was the only one awake. i managed to get dressed and do everything i needed to do without a peep. but when i went downstairs, i seemed that i was the last one to awaken.
no one really paid attention to my late arrival. the atmosphere was so sad. i made my way to my seat. i was in the middle of adrien and... no one. i guess marinette isn't here either. all the staff weren't as happy as they were yesterday and all my friends were as quiet as a mouse.
we all ate breakfast in silence. it kind of got on my nerves but i understood that we had to respect the king.
i excused myself. i could bare the no talking any longer. once i was out of the room, i had my deep breath and went to find mari. i knew exactly where she would be.
i opened the doors at he hospital and found her, sleeping by her fathers side.
i walked next to one of the guards.
"how long she been here for?" i asked him. he looked at me.
"she spent about 10 minutes in the quarters and came straight back. she fell asleep and it didn't feel right to wake the princess up." he said and smiled a little. i sighed.
i walked over to mari, and poked her shoulder a bit.
i nudged her a little bit more and her head shot up.
"how you doin' girl?" i asked sympathetically.
"great. just fine. how's you?" she said. i knew she didn't mean it but she didn't want to make a fuss.
"i'm okay i guess. everyone wasn't talking so i decided to see you." i said. she giggled a bit.
then the speakers went off.
"can all students from Collège Françoise Dupont please return to the ballroom for important information as quickly as possible." the voice said.
"we should go." i said. marinette nodded. she kissed her fathers forehead and whispered something to him then left with me.
we entered the room and everyone stared at marinette. like, yes i understand she doesn't look the best at the moment but can you not stare at her like some outsider?
i looked at her but she shrugged her shoulders and walked over to our teacher.
"so, as we all know the king is injured and it's very, very sad news for everyone. but, we only have a few more days left here and i have decided to visit a popular chinese school. where we will learn about their culture, their way of teaching , maybe teach them a little or learn their language. so you have about 2 hours to get ready. i'll empty you all at the car." miss bustier said and walked off.
marinette dodged every question after that.
"we gonna get dressed or what?" i asked her.
"yes, but we are visiting a school, so i want to look my very best. all my best clothes are in my room so i'll meet you later?" she said.
"sure, but don't wander off." i gave her a hug and walked off to my own room to get changed.
{marinette pov}
i'm almost 100% sure that i will get recognized at the school so i will need to look very appropriate for this. i press the buzzers for amberle and kitanias help. they came up in an instant and knocked on the door.
"come in" i say. they come in and bow. they offer their condolences. i thank them.
"now, can you please help me out for an outfit that is appropriate for school. a dress perhaps. and it mush have a happy vibe to it." i ask.
"i think we could do that. alfredo has only made the best for you." kitania says and amberle searches through the boxes, racks and draws of clothing. she finally managed to pick a few outfits.

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