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When we arrived at out classroom, the teacher was too busy solving a question on the board to notice that we were late.
"Where have you been?" Adrien whispered.
Yay! Adriens back finally.
"Um we were just talking and lots track of time." Alya smiled. Adrien nodded and turned his focus onto his work. I smiled dreamily at him. I hope that he won't be disappointed at who I am.
For what seemed like forever, the bell finally rang and it was lunch. I was so hungry.
"Hey, why don't we all go to my house for lunch?" I suggested. Mainly because I wanted to talk to mom about what's going to happen for my safety and that I need to finish my packing. When I left home, I had to take the majority of things with me.
"Sure! I think we're all pretty hungry and your family bake the best food ever!" Nino said as his, Adrien's and Alya's eyes lit up at the idea of the food that was in the bakery. We laughed and ran to my house.
"Maman? Papa? I'm home" I call as we enter the living room.
"Ah Marinette! We need to talk about your Coro-" my father cut off as he saw that I wasn't alone. I gave him a nervous smile.
"Don't worry. I'll talk to Maman about it. Anyways, is it okay if we have lunch here?" I ask. He chuckled.
"Of course. Your mother just put out a bunch of croissants and macaroons." He smiled as he pointed in the direction of the kitchen.
"Thank you Papa!" I smile. We all ran to the kitchen and picked up a bunch of food and ran to my room where we found my mom packing.
"Marinette! We need to have a serious talk. But it can wait till after school." She didn't look happy but at the same time she looked worried. I looked at Alya who was also giving me a nervous look. The boys, well. They looked clueless. They had no idea what was going on, they were just enjoying the food.
"Sure. Can we eat first?" I ask as I give her a cheeky smile.
She shook her head and laughed.
"Of course, just try not to get any crumbs on he floor would you?" She said as she kissed the top of my head and walked out.
"York moms so nice!" Adrien said.
"Yeah. I got lucky I guess" I smile as I walk to sit on my bed where I find Plagg lying next to the box. Wait what? Where did this come from. I picked up the box and opened it. My Crown?!!! What's this doing here?
"What's that?" Nino asked me trying to peek inside. I quickly slammed the box shut with a bang. They looked shocked.
"Um. Nothing importantly it's my moms I'll go give her it." I say as I jumped of my bed. "Oh and by the way. Plagg is a good cat so he won't bite you. You can stroke him jut don't touch his tail." I say before I ran downstairs.
"Mom?" I say as I peeked in the living room.
"Is there a problem?" She says until she sees the book and ran towards me.
"What's this doing here?" She asks me.
"I'm not sure. I came down here to ask you the same thing." I say. I have her the book and she put it inside the safe which was kept inside the cupboard.
"It will be safe here. Go back upstairs. You only have 2 more days to go until you leave." Se said as I nodded and rushed back to my room. I heard laughing. I opened the door to see them laughing at Alya's phone.
"What are you guys laughing at?" I asked curiously. Alya quickly turners her phone off.
"Alya was just showing us funny pictures of-" Nino began before Alya's hand was covering her mouth.
"Shhh!" Alya shushed him. I walked over and clawed her hand off of him.
"Carry on Nino. You were saying..." I say.
"Alya was showing us funny pictures of you!" Nino laughed. I stared. I looked at Alya she she ran away and used Plagg as her defense. Then I looked at Adrien. He was still stuffing his face with macaroons like the innocent boy he is.
"I had no part in this I promise!" He laughed. "Alya I'm going to kill you!!" I say as I ran towards her.
"Could you kill me after school? We're late." She laughed and ran out of room. Since I like literally round the corner from school, it's easy for when I'm running late, so when we got to school we had arrived on the bell for 5th period. Then came 6th period and school was over. School flew over so fast. Now it was time to go and pack. Just as I was about to leave Alya came up to me.
"Hey girl where you going?!" She said poking my shoulder playfully.
"Im going to pack. There's a lot of things that I need to take because now that I'm old enough there's going to be high security and I might not be and to come back to Paris for a few weeks." I say sadly. I was expecting Alya to say something but she didn't she just gave me a big hug and walked away. I smiled as I followed her.
"So once your in China, you may not be able to leave?" She asked quietly.
"I will but I'm a few weeks time. I'm so sorry for leaving you Alya I really am." I say hoping she's not sad or angry.
"Girl, I'm not angry I'm a little upset but not angry." I smile as I gave her a hug and waved goodbye as we walked different ways.
Now for big talks and lots of packing I say to myself sighing as I enter the bakery.

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