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I opened my eyes to the bright lights of the sun shining through my window. I smiled. My first night back home. I was in a very happy mood I jumped out of bed and went straight to my closet. I opened it and found things I didn't even remember having. I checked the weather for today. 27 degrees. I think about it and finally decide on an outfit for today. I picked an off-shoulder dress which and cute little patterns all over it and just matched it with a pair of gold sandals.

 I picked an off-shoulder dress which and cute little patterns all over it and just matched it with a pair of gold sandals

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One I was ready, I ran downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone, just like it used to be. Mother and father were already there, Cole and Josh too. I also saw that my maids, Kitania and Amberle were there too. I sat down and was greeted by everyone. I smile. It was good to be home again.
"How was your sleep darling?" Father asked as Frankie came in with our food.
"Thank you Frankie. It was good father, it's nice to be home." I say. Father nodded as we all ate our food.
"We are glad to have you back your highness." Kitania spoke as she took a sip of her water.
"Thank you Kitania. It's good to see you again!" I say. Kitania, Amberle and I were also very close friends when they first started working here.
"Oh! I almost forgot to ask you father, how many rooms do we have here in the castle?" I  ask. He looked at me curiously.
"I think we might have about fifteen." He said. "Why?" He questioned whilst wiping his mouth.
"I was wondering because of how far away their hotel is, if my class and teacher could maybe stay here? Like until my coronation of course." I ask, wincing my eyes, waiting for them all to gasp and shout.
I hear father sigh. Oh here it comes. I think.
"I guess so. Who is there to stay?" He sighs again.
"Ehh. Nino, Adrien, Alya, Kim, Alix, Rose, Juleka, Ivan, Mylene, Lila, Chloe, Sabrina, Max, Nathaniel and Miss Bustier." I say. Everyone gets up except me, my parents, Cole and Josh.
"Should we?" Father asks my mother. I see her nod and smile.
"Of course they can stay. I'll get Amberle and Kitania to sort out the rooms. Josh and Cole will take you there and back in the limo." Father says and gets up to kiss my head before going back to the throne room. I smile so wide I feel like my cheeks will rip apart.
"Thank you!" I laugh. The three of us head to the limo and drive to the cabin where my class are staying-well not for very longer.
-skip the drive there-
I got out of the limo with Josh following behind me. I see Alya looking through the window at me before leaving to run to me.
"Girl!!!" Alya should as she hugs me.
"Hi! I have very big news. You and everyone else is staying at he palace until we leave!" I smile. Alya started to jump up and down.
"OMG really?! Wait. What about you? Won't everyone realize who you are?" Alya asks. I didn't really think about that.
"Ehh. Let's just hope they're as dumb as chloe?" We both laugh.
"Where's your teacher princess?" Josh asks.
"Shh. You have to call me Marinette. It's okay you know?" I wink. He nods.
"Um I think she's in the dining room with the class. Literally everyone just woke up and is having breakfast." Alya said and lead us to the dining room, where we found everyone.
"Marinette!" Everyone screamed.
"Hi everybody. I have very big news which I hope is okay with Miss Bustier." I say, mainly looking at my teacher as she nods in approval.
"Great! I spoke to the princess and she has invited all of us to stay at the palace until we leave." I say with a big smile on my face.
I instantly hear gasps and cheers.
"But we must leave now. There's a limo outside. So go and pack your things Josh will take your bags to the car." I say and everyone rushes to get their things together.
"Marinette! I'm so thankful." Miss Bustier says as she pats my shoulder and goes to pack her own things.
Once everyone was here, we all managed to squeeze into the limo. Everyone was very excited to see the palace. I guess I was excited to show them it.
{Adrien POV}
I didn't think today could get any better. The food was amazing and so does the games room. Then al of a sudden Marinette shows up and says that the Princess has invited us all to stay with her, in the palace. It's crazy! I'm so excited though. I've never been to a castle before. Especially a Chinese one. I wonder what it's going to be like. I wonder who I'm sharing a room with. I'm daydreaming and for some reason I keep hearing Marinette. She looked so beautiful today, well. She always looks beautiful, but I've never seen her dress like that. And she had her hair down. Her voice too. I stop myself. I can't think of Marinette like that. She doesn't like me like that and I have to understand that. I sigh. I get knocked out of my daydream by Nino telling me we have arrived. B
"C'mon dude. We're here." Nino said stepping out of the car. I smile as step out of the limo. I see Marinette and Alya run up to one of the guards. He seemed friendly. It looked like they were having a conversation? Like they knew each other somehow? I shrug. Not my business. I take a step back to look at the castle. It's huge!
It looks so amazing too. I can't wait to see what inside looks like. I'm about to speak when miss Bustier whistles for all of us to pay attention to her. We all gather in a crowd.
"Okay class listen up. We shall be staying here for 3 nights so I want you all to be in your best behavior! And always listen and do what you are told. This is a different country and we will be surrounded by lots of high-stationed people and it's important that we make a good impression. You may now go inside, your rooms are the same. No complaints." She said, glancing at chloe who shook her nose in the air. I smile and head inside.
Quite a short chapter but I kinda ran out of ideas for this one. Its my birthday next week and I'm so excited you guys have no ideaaaaa!!
+it's Halloween next week too!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good Halloween night. Xx

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