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It wasn't a very long journey, but it was quite far away from the palace. Cole came and opened my door for me and let me out.
"Thankyou." I smile at him. He nodded and returned my smile.
I looked around. It wasn't the prettiest place I've been to, but it was filled with willow trees and tiny little ponds. Behind one of the willow trees was a little house made of wood. It had windows and doors but that was it really. It wasn't very big but it looked comfortable. I looked at Cole and gave him a questioning look. He understood and nodded for me to go on inside. I ran towards it and opened the door. Inside was a room big enough to fit 5 people inside. There were 2 cyan sofas and a small cyan coloured arm chair. In the middle was a salmon coloured rug with a circular coffee table on top of it. I guess it was kind of cute. I looked around a little more and found a cosy little fireplace next to a door that I assume leads to the kitchen. I assumed correctly.
The kitchen wasn't very decorated. It was plain. Kind of looked like a diner I saw back in France. The walls were white as snow, and the floor was decorated with black and white tiles. It had a fridge, benches, and oven, a sink. It also had a little dining table with some flowers on. I walked out and back into the living room. There were no stairs. Just 4 little doorways. One lead to the kitchen. I'm guessing two of them leads to the bedrooms and the last one leads to the bathroom. I head for the pink doorframe. Inside was so beautiful. It had one single bed with white sheets and ah the bottom a light purple floral pattern. There were bedside cabinets with a lamp on one side and a vase with lilacs on the other. It had a set of draws which were empty, and on the top was a television hanging on the wall. On the draws, were a photo frame with a picture of me, mother and father. I loved it. The room also had a beautiful rug in a beautiful shade of purple and a huge mirror. Amazed by the first room I walked into the other. It was the master bedroom where I guess my parents slept. It was kind of the same except the beds were bigger and the colour theme was a turquoise colour. But this room had a little arm chair, bookcase and a desk. It was really pretty. And finally, I visited the bathroom. I don't think I've ever seen anything so glamorous yet simple. It was white. Everything was white. The bathtub, the shower, the toilet, even the cabinet under the sink. There was also a mirror in here too with little diamonds on the edge of the glass. It had a small television in the corner. It was beautiful. I go back to the living room and wait. Just staring at the wall, waiting for my parents to come back. I thought they weren't allowed to leave?
It's been about 20minutes when I finally heard the door burst open. It was mother and father. I stood up and ran towards them. They hugged me so tightly.
"Mari! We are so glad you are safe." Mother said. I smile and take a few deep breaths. "I've missed you so much." I say.
"We have missed you too sweetheart. But, there is one thing we must talk to you about." Father said with a little bit of concern in his voice. He lead me to the couch followed by mother.
"Well there's something we need to tell you and I don't think your going to like it." Mother said.
"Please just tell me" I say. Mother sighed and held my hand tightly.
A/N: omggg! I haven't been posting a lot recently but I have been responding to people so I have seen all your lovely comments on my book.
I know this is short but I haven't had the time to make it any longer it's 4:43am and I have an English essay due tomorrow or today, which I haven't started. Pray for me aha.
anyways, sorry it's a short chapter I'll try and make the next one a long one!
thanks for all the reads ily all so much! have a great day/night- bug xx

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