Chapter XIV

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Inside the truck two out of breath soldiers and two out of breath women clutching their pistols tightly as they lean against the seats and end of the truck, gasping for air. The four are too out of breath to speak loud enough to overtone the loud banging and moaning coming from outside the truck. After a few minutes, they gathered enough energy to move. Clutching her chest, Rebecca tries to satisfy her lung's hunger for oxygen with every breath. Mike holsters his pistol and looks out of the truck. Angled 30 degrees from the floor he jumps down and helps the girls down while Jenkins watches for any infected. Their loud moaning and pounding could still be heard, muffled though.

Inside it seems as if the store has been left untouched since the outbreak. Besides rotten fruit and abandoned shopping carts filled with goods, the aisles have remained filled with all kinds of super store goodies. Swarms of flies have made the rotten fruit their home, which the four survivors best avoided as they step deeper into the store, the weakened light from the store casting shadows everywhere.

"What the fuck where those things?" Stacy asks while Mike and Jenkins check their rifles.

"From what I've seen and experienced, they are infected individuals who can run and are far more vicious then their slow brethren. I call them ghouls due to their appearance" 

"Like that game?" Jenkins asks. 

"Yeah like that fricken game. Anyways we need to keep our voices down. No clue if we are alone or not. Stacy, you gather what food and water you can carry. Rebecca, you will acquire three sets of clothing for you and your sister. Just three, we cannot waste space on too many shirts and underwear. Jenkins, you will gather what ammo you can find. If you find any rifles or pistols, take them too but not too many. We still have the trip to Fenway to take care of. I'll be searching the isles and make sure we don't have any undead visitors here. We'll meet back at the hunting department in twenty minutes. Agreed? Good. Do not hesitate to shout if you are in trouble. I do not care if all of Boston is pounding down on that truck, shout if you need help," Mike sternly says, his rifle firmly in his hands. 

The four nod in agreement then split off with Stacy heading to the grocery aisles, Rebecca to clothing, Jenkins the hunting department, and Mike starting at the closest isle, which sold tools and tool cases. For Stacy, it wasn't as hard as she thought as she came across an isle almost untouched by the apocalypse. 'Seems the truck blocked the entrance for everybody' she thought to herself as she lowers her pack and began filling it with as much canned food as she could fit in there. She looks around and spotted by a nearby racks of clothes a rather large saddle bag and began filling it with bottled water. 

Over at the clothes section, Rebecca has changed out of her dirty pants and borrowed t-shirt and into a nice pair of jeans and green shirt with a panda in the center. She finds a rucksack roughly the size of Mike's and fills it with exactly three pairs of clothes for herself and her sister. Smiling, she decides to go to her sister with her new found treasure. 

Jenkins smiles as he came across the hunting aisles. Behind a large set of display cases stood several dozen assortment of shotguns, rifles, and pistols each with a ludicrous prize tag. Dozens and dozens of boxes of various calibers of ammunition stood neatly stacked in an aisle next to the display of weapons. Carefully, he leans his Bushmaster ACR against one of the display cases and began picking at the lock after the lock prevented him from opening it. He then hears a loud clacking sound that made him jump up. He grunts as he sees his rifle lying on the ground. He leans it back up and jumps a little as he hears loud moaning coming from right behind him.

Mike slowly steps back and covers his flashlight as he stops at the end of the aisle, dozens of motionless infected in front of him. Some stood, twitchy as they stared off, while others lied on the ground. They almost looked dead to Mike until they too twitched. Suddenly loud clattering could be heard, as if something heavy fell, snapping the infected out of they trance as heavy moaning came from Quickly, Mike turns and runs as he begins hearing loud gunfire coming from the source of the loud clatter.

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