Chapter XX

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"Stacy how are you holding up?" asked Mike into the radio as they passed Gate C. The amount of infected grew as they got closer and closer to Stacy.

"I..I'm fine but I had to barricade the door. And I think one of them is in here but I'm not so sure. I doubt the shelf will last long please hurry!"

"We are almost there" said Mike before he put away the radio. He then tossed another grenade, distracting another group of a hundred infected. Finally they came along Gate B and had to hid behind the bar counter of a pub. As they looked up they spotted hundreds of infected swarming around a splintered wooden door of a restaurant called Steaking Grill.

"Shit there are many of them and I am on my last mag" whispered Mike as they ducked behind the counter. The moaning was so loud they had to lean extremely close to hear each other.

"What are we going to do?" asked Rebecca after checking the magazine of her Glock 17.

"Well we don't have the ammo capacity to shoot them so we'll have to distract them. Cover me, I'll be right back" said Mike as he got out several packs of C4 and ran from their cover. Before Rebecca could protest Mike was already long gone. As Mike planted the sticks of C4 under a chair and arming it he heard Stacy's voice in the radio.

"Oh my god they breached the restaurant. There so many" cried Stacy before she shrieked.

"Stacy? Stacy?! Can you hear me? Damn" said Mike as he got no response.

He ran back to Rebecca, noticing the amount of infected swarming the restaurant hasn't changed as he hid behind the counter next to Rebecca. He noticed her expression of fear and pressed the detonator. The explosion was so loud that a ringing sound occurred soon after and the ground shook a bit. Every single infected looked away from the restaurant and the airport grew quiet for a short moment before they began moaning again and wandered off to where the explosion came from.

After the last infected disappeared Mike and Rebecca ran towards the wooden door. He got out his machete and finished what the infected couldn't and turned the door into a pile of fire wood. He pushed the shelf aside and saw two infected men wearing blood covered cook jackets, pounding against a metal door labeled 'Freezer'. After finishing them off he knocked opened the door and spotted Stacy leaning underneath the a meat filled shelf, clutching to her blood soaking shoulder. She looked up, pain and sadness filling her face.

"No no no no no no" cried out Rebecca as she spotted the bleeding bite wound on her shoulder and hugged her sister, who too began to cry. Too weak to get up Mike picked her up and carried her out of the kitchen. They then had little problem dodging and avoiding infected as they ran through the entrance and to the MRAP parked nearby. The few infected wandering nearby got shot down by Rebecca wielding Mike's rifle.

After placing her in the back and tending to the wound they drove off with Rebecca tending to Stacy and Mike driving. The sun hung over the sky, basking the city in warmth. He drove up to a large hill overlooking Newburgh in all her glory. Due to a large amount of blood loss Stacy was only muttering her words as she asked for Mike and Rebecca to come.

Coughing up blood she grabbed Mike and Rebecca's hand. "I am so sorry Stacy I..."

"Ssh. Don' Mike. It's...not..your fault" said Stacy as she hushed Mike. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"" muttered Stacy before she closed her eyes and stopped breathing. After checking her pulse, Mike let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. Rebecca's eyes filled with tears and she cried out for Stacy as he placed Stacy to the ground and got out a shovel.

Rebecca screamed as Stacy leaned up and opened her lifeless white eyes. Mike got out his Scar-L, aimed for her head, and pulled the trigger. Even with the silencer Rebecca jumped and began to cry again. After digging a six feet deep hole and burying Stacy he nailed two wooden planks into a cross and stuck it on the grave.

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