Chapter XVI

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Newburgh, New York 7:43 P.M
16 days following the outbreak
2 days following the escape from Boston

Loud moaning has replaced the sound of traffic on the I-84 that crosses the Hudson river. The setting sun casts the buildings on the other side of the river in an orange hue. The dozen or so blood covered men, women, and children idly wander around the deserted highway, oblivious to their surroundings. A low hum of an engine getting louder made the undead turn to the source that hum. Though almost blind, they could hear the engine hum getting louder and louder and a black dot getting closer and closer. The undead didn't move out of the way and instead walked into the humming dot which turns out to be a black MRAP speeding down the highway. Behind the wheels, a young man in his mid-twenties with rough, chestnut hair that long needs a hair cut harshly turns the wheel to the left, dodging most of the undead as the truck slightly swerves to the left, shaking a young blond sitting on the passenger seat with curly hair from her slumber.

"Sorry bout that Rebecca," the man says as he regains control of the truck. She looks around and lets out a heavy yawn. She turns and sees a brunette around her age lying on a row of seats on one side, deep in her slumber.

"Are we still in Connecticut Mike?" Rebecca asks as she raises her arms to stretch before leaning back against her seat.

"Nope. We actually arrived in Newburgh,"

"We did shoot how long did I sleep?"

"Almost five hours. Decided to let you sleep and Stacy sleep," Mike says as he turns the truck to avoid an overrun barricade. Just like in Boston signs of carnage litter the streets along with some being crowded with the undead. The thick windows and the loud engine blessed the three from the loud moaning they can picture the dozen or so undead are making as they approach the truck from alley ways and burst open door ways.

"So what now Mike?" The brunette asks as she leans towards Rebecca's seat and watches the passing streets and buildings.

"Well for one we are low on fuel, need a place to stay since I'd rather sleep on a bed or couch rather than those, I need to get some sleep after 10 hours of nonstop driving,"

"Yeah those seats aren't the most comfortable. So what did you have in mind?"

"There's a Hollywood Suites a couple blocks from here. Maybe we could get a suite,"

"Mike! I'm serious!" Rebecca cries out, glaring at Mike.

"Hey I'm serious too. A nice little suite wouldn't hurt eh? Nice beds, lots of room, and we can relax a little and plan ahead,"

"Oh alright so what's the plan of securing a suite?" Stacy asks as the truck comes to a screeching halt by the entrance of the ten story tall Hollywood Suites. The read and green neon signs long have lost power and hangs dead over the entrance, its double doors lying shattered on the ground.

"Simple. You or Rebecca stay here and watch the truck, keep the engine running while I scope out the place and find us a tolerable room," Mike says as he slips on his riot armor and gasmask which hisses shut.

"I'll go with you!" Rebecca shouts out. Her cheeks turned a bit crimson when she noticed how excited she sounded and the quizzical looks Mike and Stacy are giving her.

"Anyways, you alright with that Stacy?" Mike asks as he grabs his Scar-L and hands Rebecca her sisters M4 carbine.

"Not really Mike. Be careful okay?" Stacy mutters loudly as Mike carefully opens the back door.

He quietly nods before he and Rebecca jump out of the MRAP and approach the opening of the Hotel. Their shoes made a soft crackling sound as they carefully step over the shattered door.

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