Chapter II

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Boston, Massachusetts; 8:48 am.
6 hours after the outbreak. 

Tom awoke to someone gently shaking him. He shoots, gasping for air, to Sergeant McMichael raising his hands in defense.

"Hey hey it's okay. We gotta go" Jenkins says as he helps Tom up.

"What? Why?" He asks, a bit shaken from earlier events. 

"We are leaving in five minutes. Drink some water, stretch cause we need everyone up and ready to go." 

As he looks around he notices the other soldiers waking the other survivors and gathering their things. 

"What's going on?" 

"We got word from Fort Greyesmorre. They are going to pick us up from the rooftop of the Cambridge Side Galleria in two hours." 

The Sergeant moved away from Tom and walked towards Jenkins. 

"You got the map. How far do we have to walk?" Sergeant McMichael asks as he puts on his tinted gasmask.  

"Just a mile and a half but with the freaks breathing down on us it'll make things difficult" 

"Alright has that door been unlocked already?" the Sergeant asks while pointing at a metal door leading into the building. 

"No Sergeant. The door is still locked tight and we didn't want to alert the freaks" 

"Well we don't have much of a choice. The fire ladder leads to the horde of freaks and I don't want to fight my through them. Break open the door Corporal." 

Jenkins nodded and retrieved from his pack a foldable spade and began hitting it against the door knob. 

"While Jenkins is getting the door open I want an ammo count now" said the Sergeant as he saw the horde walk towards the building they are stranded in. 

"Got three full mags and a mag that's half empty for my M16. Then for my M9 I got two magazines plus one chambered" Private Boil said, aiming his rifle at the horde. 

"Same here but with an extra clip on the rifle" Jenkins said while still trying to smash open the door knob. 

"Got three mags for my M14 with two for my M9" Joel responded as he too put on his tinted gasmask.

"Does anyone have any grenades left?" 

"Only have one Sergeant" Jenkins said as he dented the door knob to the point to where it bent outward a bit allowing the door to be opened a nudge. A smile ran through Jenkins face as the lock bent out and need one more swing. Suddenly loud pounding and growling emerged from the door startling Jenkins and the survivors. One of Marcson's daughters, the brunette with red glasses, shrieked as the door bent outward a bit. 

"Fuck alright everyone listen up. Jenkins hand Joel your grenade and keep an eye on the door. Joel, through the grenade to the others side of the building. Throw it close enough to draw the undead away from the ladder! Boil you and I watch the ladder. Everyone else stay away from the door now!" The Sergeant shouted. The other soldier nod in agreement as the seven civilians stayed as far away from the door as Jenkins tosses Joel a M69 fragmentation grenade and aimed his rifle at the door. As the door opened an inch more he fired into the gap. 

As Joel tosses the grenade he shouts "Everyone get down and cover your head!" as he drops to the ground and covers his head. Everyone did the same before the grenade went off in a loud explosion, startling them and causing the building to shake a bit as a small black cloud of smoke rises from the front of the building. The pounding grew even stronger and the moaning grew louder as everyone gets up. 

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