Chapter XXII

45 21 1

Underground Military Base, Washington D.C 12:39 pm

2 Hours before Operation Dead Mist begins

The clicks and clanks of bullets being pressed into their magazine and the weapons being placed and picked up filled the room. Mike and 19 other soldiers, 7 of them women, were admiring the array of different weapons lying on the table. Behind him, and standing a good hundred meters long and wide stood a shooting range consisting of different targets. To pass the time during Captain Lloyd's absence the soldiers began tinkering with the new weapons and the ammunition that were at the shooting range. Mike is busy firing off a rifle called the UMB Assault with the body of a Bushmaster ACR with a 2x red dot scope, flash light grip, and integrated laser sight. The paper target consisted of a life size photo copy of an infected woman lunging at him were riddled with precise bullet holes at her head. A couple others were firing the .45 caliber UMB 45 that has the looks of a Glock. Others were firing the UMB Sniper with the body of the British AE Mark II and firing up to ten 8mm rounds. While Mike is firing off 6.8mm rounds into the woman's head along with his 19 colleagues who are doing the same to life size paper infected, Captain Lloyd entered the room carrying a handful of files.

"Nice gear huh?" he asked as the 20 soldiers stopped firing and saluted at the smiling captain.

"Yes sir" responded a female soldier. Like her, all soldiers have changed out of their attire and into black t-shirt and gym shorts. To Mike, and probably the rest of the soldiers here, a feeling of unease is filling them with the absence of their combat gear.

"Glad to hear that. Now that you have acquainted with your new gear it is time you follow me and learn of your objectives" said Lloyd. The soldiers nodded and followed Lloyd out of the shooting range and into a large room consisting of a holopad, 20 chairs surrounding the holopad. On a billboard stood a 30 foot map of the East Coast stretching on to parts of Canada and the middle of the United States. A red line snaked its way from the beach in the middle of Maine then down the middle, forming a half circle, and ending in a beach in the middle of Virginia.

Black circles riddled the inside of the red line. Some were crossed with a blood red X. Satellite images of a fence stretching along a hill hung around the map. On each map stood a, what could look like, a sea of blood covered men and women pushing against the fence. Iron bars and logs reinforced the fence where dozens of soldiers stood behind, firing at the sea of infected. Each picture didn't differ much. Lloyd then began pinning satellite images of cities from the East-Coast around the already hanging pictures. As the 20 soldiers sat around the holopad it hummed with life.

"Alright as you already know most of the East-Coast has been taken. That red line shows us how far the undead have pushed out. The defense line, as we are calling it, is close to falling back again and we don't want that. Now, thanks to the discovery of Isotope 213 or the Red Mist as we call it, we can push into the quarantined cities, and take it back" said Lloyd as a hologram of the quarantined East-Coast, which took the shape of the red line.

"Now, the first strike force that will take back the East-Coast will consist of a battalion 2500 soldiers divided into 20 Companies along the military alphabet, from Alpha to Tango, and 20 Fire-Teams consisting of 5 F23 Wolverines in each Fire-Team also named from the military alphabet. Each Company will consist of ten squads of ten named after their letter and number. For example Charlie-6. Each of you will be in charge of a company and a squad of that company. You get to choose what squad you'll be in. Each company also has its own barracks where you and your 99 soldiers will stay in. Each company will storm a quarantined city and push forward and into the defense line after the jets have dropped the Red Mist bombs" said Lloyd as the hologram of cities appeared, followed by red arrows moving through the cities and ending at the red line.

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