Chapter XXV

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Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania 19:15 pm

3 days following the start of Operation Dead Mist

27 days following the Outbreak

"This is the last one" said the soldier named McKenny as he placed a fully loaded M4 clip along side other loaded M4 clips on a make shift desk.

"Are you sure?" asked the Colonel.

"Yes sir. All we have is 175 twelve gauge shotgun shells, 500 9mm and .45 ACP rounds, a hundred or so .357 rounds, a couple hundred .308's, and a several boxes of various miscellaneous rounds rifle rounds for which we have no weapons for" said McKenny as he pointed at a table with stacks of various boxes of ammunition. On another table stood an assortment of different rifles, pistols, smgs, and shotguns.

"What about for our rifles?"

"We could only gather 5000 or so rounds which barely gives two full clips for everyone including you and me" responded McKenny as he placed clip number 166 on the table.

"Alright. Hand out the ammunition and rifles. I want those who can shoot well on roof tops with the .308 rifles and the least experienced to carry the shotguns at the front of the gate. Have a handful of soldiers prep our evac"

"Sir? I thought we are staying" asked McKenny in surprise.

"We are Corporal" said the Colonel as he watched the fence bend a little more inward again followed by the screeching of the hummer's tires echoing through the ear deafening moaning.

"But the fence won't last long and all we can do is fight as long as possible and try to weaken the horde as much as we can before they break through."

Just then a portion of the fence broke aside, leaving a gap wide enough for two infected to fit through. As dozens of infected began pouring in the soldiers wielding shotguns opened fire while the Colonel shouted commands.

"The fence will fall! Set up defensive position. Hawks, I need you and your snipers to give support as best as possible" shouted towards a group of soldiers spread among the roof tops. The soldier named Hawks nodded and began firing into the tiny gap in the fence that is growing wider as more and more infected try to push through it.

"McKenny, Fisher, I need you two to set up a second barrier with the police cars you used before. If you have any road spikes use them now!"

"Yes sir" shouted McKenny as he and Fisher stepped into their cars and slowly parked affront of each other. While Fisher placed their only road spike along the street the fence gave in and collapsed, allowing the hundreds of infected to pour into the streets.

"Fall back! Fall behind the second barrier!" shouted the Colonel as he saw the infected fall over the road spikes. Some landed chest first into the spikes and couldn't move while others began crawling towards the second barrier. The 83 soldiers of the defense line fired back with everything they got. As the mound of fallen infected began falling back the ocean of undead overran the road spikes and began pushing against the cars.

"Make every bullet count alright? One shot one kill!" shouted the Colonel as he pulled out his Glock 20 sidearm and opened fire.

"Roger that Colonel" responded one of his soldiers.

Minutes turned to an hour as the mound of dead is big enough for the still living undead to slowly climb over the second barricade.

"Fall back! Fall back!" shouted the Colonel as and his 82 soldiers slowly backed up. Just as he was about to give up a black helicopter with a in its front center appeared and opened fire with a loud, high pitched roar as its side hatches open and ten soldiers in strange armor were lowered via rope. Then another helicopter appeared, a black skycrane, dropping an armored tank hybrid softly to the ground. Then Marcus was lowered who the Colonel thankfully shook hands with.

"My god Sergeant you came in the nick of time" he said.

"Thank you sir. Permission to join you?"

"Permission granted Sergeant" said the Colonel while smiling under his tinted gas mask.

"Sergeant Major Robinson of Alpha Company. We heard your distress call" said one of the soldiers in strange power armor as he saluted the Colonel.

"Thank you Sergeant Major. Will there be more reinforcements or is it just the ten of you?"

"We're it for now Colonel. Everyone else is busy cleansing the major cities" said Robinson as a second Tank-Lifter appeared dropping a black military crate. One of the Colonels soldiers opened it to find stacks of rifles the ten soldiers in strange armor are carrying along side stacks of magazines that go with that rifle.

"But more of my squads will be on my way With the addition of weapons, the helicopter still firing at the horde, and the armored tank hybrid, the 94 soldiers began pushing the infected slowly back. They stood in position, constantly firing as more Tank-Lifters appeared dropping crates of ammunition that a handful of soldiers, including Marcus, gathered and handed out to everyone. Again the minutes passed by endlessly as the Colonel ordered his men to climb on the roof tops and to fire from there while the police officers would refresh them with ammunition. Night rolls in as the horde has been pushed back to the fallen gate. The streets beyond the two cop cars are filled with fallen infected. Several UMB-1's, belonging to Robinson's Company began dropping in more soldiers in the strange armor who pushed the infected back beyond the bridge and into the neighboring town.

As the morning sun begins to rise and the streets litter with dropped ammo crates and fallen infected, only several dozen remain. Finally, after eight exhausting hours of shooting did the last infected, a female soldier, fall. Everyone's rifle hissed as they emitted strong amounts of heat. Unknown silence filled the streets. Not a single infected could be seen or heard. Leaves rustle with the soft breeze that blows through the two towns. A couple of birds chirp happily and even a few rain drops falling into the river could be heard. The first to break the silence are the soldiers of the defense line who fire their weapons into the sky and cheer.

"Staff Sergeant Robinson report" said Morrison through the radio.

"This is Robinson. Defense line in Pennsylvania has been secured with minimal casualties"

"Great job Sergeant and just in time. How many squads can you spare?"

"I can spare the entire company sir. Why?"

"Though the cities have been taken back, we still have much to do. I want your company to assist the sweeps of New York. ETA 10 minutes. Good job Sergeant. To all of your team, good job. Morrison out"

"What did he say Sergeant?" asked one of the soldiers of Alpha Company.

"That the fun is just getting started. We are to help the sweep team with cleansing downtown New York"

"Is it over Sergeant?" asked Marcus as he, all of the defense line, and Alpha Company watched as several UMB-1's arrived, dropping off troops and sweep teams in hazmat suits.

"Not yet Sergeant. This was just the start. My squads are already needed elsewhere"

"What about my men?" asked the Colonel.

"The sweep teams will take over. You and your men Colonel, have earned a break" said Mike as and his men began entering the UMB-1's.

"Thank you Sergeant, and good luck to you and your team" said the Colonel and his team watched the helicopters take off. He let out a deep sigh before lighting a cigar. After exhaling a thick puff of cuban smoke, he entered his office, a great burden lifted from everyone's shoulders.

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