Chapter VIII

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Inside the Huey, beeping sounds rang through the compartment as the pilot tried his best to keep the shaky helicopter steady.

"What's wrong with the bird pilot?" asked Binks as he tried to get a steady grip.

"Engine's overheating. I need to land now but the roof tops are too small and the streets are too crowded!"

Suddenly the helicopter shook violently flinging Mike backwards out of the helicopter. Jenkins saw that and tried to grab Mike but missed as he saw him hit a roof top. Just then the engines whined and died as the helicopter began to spin uncontrollably.

A great amount of pain rushed through Mike's back as he came to and found himself staring at the orange blue sky. A few clouds hung in the sky like white dots in the blue. In pain, Mike looked around realized he is on a roof top of a three story building. He watched as the Huey spun uncontrollably and disappeared in a cluster of buildings before it's impact echoed through the area. Despite the pain, Mike climbed down the ladder and ran through street after street; a trail of smoke as his guide. He dodged several infected that saw him and tried to grab him.

Finally, he spots the helicopter smashed into a building that once was a restaurant, or so says the sign above of the helicopter blades sticking out. Several infected were approaching the crashed helicopter but no gunfire could be heard. Quickly Mike opened fire to the moaning infected. When the last one fell he approached the wreckage. Inside he finds Binks, Jenkins, and the gunner breathing, trying to recover mentally from the crash.

"You guys able to walk?" asked Mike as he helped them up slowly.

"Ye..yeah. But we lost the pilot" said Jenkins as he popped his shoulder and saw Mike check the pilot's pulse. Mike sighed and grabbed the pilot's dog tags.

"What now?" asked the gunner as they stepped out of the helicopter wreckage.

"We need to contact the other helicopters. They must have seen us go down" said Binks.

"Just tried sir. Radio's out" responded Jenkins as he dropped the receiver.

"Damn. Do you still have your radio Private?" asked Binks Jenkins.

"Yes but it got damaged. It can only receive, not transmit" Jenkins said showing the damaged radio.

"How convenient. So what are we going to do?" asked the gunner.

"We'll figure something out but not here" said Mike as he pointed at the dozens of infected approaching them from both sides of the street. The four agreed as they opened fire to the closest group of infected and made a run for it. A couple of blocks away they found a relatively safe spot in a small pharmacy. They hid behind the counter, counting their ammo and thinking of a plan. Mike placed a street map of Boston on the counter, generously donated by the store.

"We are here, by the edge of the city and not too far from the I-93 highway" said Binks as he pointed at a white line and a yellow line on the map. Then Binks got out a black marker and began drawing circles on several points of the map. Some circles he crossed off, while other circles he left bare.

"Those circles show known military stand points. Those with X's on them are confirmed lost" said Binks as he pointed at all the circles.

"Doesn't leave us with many options" said the gunner as he saw that there where too many X's and only a few bare circles.

"Striker, you had some info on those stand points right?" asked Jenkins the gunner.

"Yeah. But it's not much. I know that Fenway Park still stands. The police station is gone so you can cross that off. That's all I know" said Striker as he took a look on each circle.

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