Chapter IX

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"So...tired. Can' this" thought Candice to herself as she, Jack, Rebecca, and Stacy emerged from hiding underneath several abandoned cars. The cluster of buildings and half of the orange sun glared at them as they left the highway behind them. As they stepped deeper into the city, the sun light grew weaker and weaker.

"Damn," said Jack as he saw the sun slowly dip into the horizon. "At this pace, we'll reach the stadium by nightfall." While hiding behind a crashed bus, they kept out of sight of the several infected men in military uniform wandering affront of them. Just then the static of a radio could be heard.

Jack peeked from his hiding spot and looked for the source of the radio. He got out his M9 and aimed at the closest infected. His throat has been torn out and a giant bite gabbed from his cheek. Blood covered his uniform as Jack fired off a round hitting the man in his undamaged cheek. He and his three comrades turned to Jack who fired a second shot.

It hit the first infected soldier in the eye, where his head twitched back before he fell to the ground with a loud thud. Then Jack fired a third round hitting the second infected, a man with his left eye torn out and his teeth glaring out as it and its comrades hissed at Jack; hitting him in the lower jaw. Bits of teeth flew in all directions as a hole became exposed in its lower jaw. The remaining three now start approaching Jack as he fired off a fourth round hitting the second infected in the forehead. A fifth infected trotted out of a nearby alley, a man wearing a torn GIP shirt with his insides torn out, and stepped over the first fallen infected.

Jack fired a fifth round hitting a third infected soldier next to the nose. His head twitched back as he stepped back a few steps before letting out a gurgling moan and again began approaching Jack as he fires off a sixth round hitting the fourth infected soldier in the forehead. As it fell he fired a seventh round striking the infected man between the eyes. The last infected is now only ten feet away as Jack fired off an eighth round, hitting the infected soldier in the neck as the barrel of Jack's pistol retracted and stayed retracted. The infected fell to the ground but before it could get up it got the butt of the pistol smashed against its forehead.

While wiping away the infected blood he signaled the three women it's safe he began searching the infected as the radio static could be heard again. He retrieved a radio from the back pouch of the fallen infected with the bullet hole in its lower jaw. While turning a knob that keeps changing the radio static, Candice searched the fallen infected for any supplies. She found five full magazines for the M9, a second M9, and a long knife. As he turned the knob several more times a male voice came from the radio.

"...and safety from the demons outside. If you are listening to this and are looking for a safe haven, come to the Saint Bernard over at the Domino Avenue. This message will repeat. To anyone listening and seeking shelter, come to the Saint Bernard. We offer lots of food, water and safety from the demons outside. If..."

"The old Saint Bernard? Isn't it by the BPD Police Station?" asked Candice as she handed Jack several clips and reloaded her new pistol.

"It is. By the looks of it the church is closer than the stadium but I have my doubts"

"Why?" muttered Rebecca.

"Well first the message is prerecorded meaning it's been broadcasting for a long period of time leaving a lot questions like is the church still safe or has it been overrun?" answered Jack as they slowly walked away from the fallen infected.

"The least we can do is try. The church lies in our path and if it is not safe we'll head to the stadium" said Candice as they turned to a street where the smell of burnt flesh lies in the air. Using their garments to shield their nose and mouth from the foul smell, they slowly passed a street covered in litter, torn clothing, and abandoned vehicles.

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