Chapter VII

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Boston, Massachusetts 6:43 A.M

26 Hours following the outbreak

For hours for people, a man and three women, have been wandering around the city with no aim for direction trying to stay ahead of the undead that have now taken the place of the living. Before that, they had a vehicle but had to ditch it due to a horde blocking off one way, and a blocked off road the intersection. Besides the loud moaning the infected let out, the occasional rattle of gun fire and scream echoed through the air. A man and woman, both wearing swat armor, kept bickering about a Fort Greyesmorre while two younger women followed motionless. They kept their emotion to themselves and when asked, they either nod or shake their head.

The man, bald with a thick beard and whose companions call Jack, keeps mentioning of heading to Fort Greyesmorre while the woman in swat armor, with short red hair and whose companions call Candice, argues that the best thing to do is to hole up in Boston until the who outbreak dies down. But the argument never finished due to always hiding from the infected and having to quiet down.

From time to time they ask the brunette, who they call Stacy, and the blond, who they call Rebecca, for which choice is best but the two sisters just shrugged and said nothing. Not wanting to attract the infected, they decided to lay low. They found shelter in the cargo container of an overturned Boston Hops truck. It's contents lie shattered on the ground and formed a foot deep puddle that filled the musky air with a sour smell. It was cramped, wet, and cold but it kept them safe from the infected passing the overturned truck while letting out a gurgling moan. Sleep wasn't easy but they awoke to the beams of the morning sun hitting them in the face. The man named Jack was the first to get up and took a peak outside. Satisfied that the street is empty, he called out for the rest to get up.

"It's clear time to get up ladies" he said in a thick, Irish accent as he straightened his thick beard and adjusted his cap that covered his baldness. The woman called Candice began to stretch to get rid of her ache in her back and straightened her short, strawberry colored hair as she woke the two sisters up. None of them got much sleep and how could they with the loud moaning that went on all night long. Grunting and moaning, the two sisters got out of their beds made out of beer boxes and left the truck. Outside, they stretched and eased the tension out of their legs and back that have built up over the time they spent cramped inside the truck for many hours.

Their stretching didn't last long as Jack spotted several infected seeing and approaching them. Quickly, and despite being tired, the four ran off the opposite direction of the approaching infected men and women. The next street they ran in had a few abandoned cars and with Jacks signal they hid underneath them. Soon a dozen gray legs in tattered shoes and pants wandered by them, letting out gurgling moans. They waited till the moaning down but that took a long period of time. After wandering a few blocks they found an abandoned bus and decided to rest there. The two girls fell asleep and Candice sat by the window as she let out a sigh, a look of sadness around her face.

Jack saw that and as he sat next to her he asked "What's wrong?"

"Jack, we can't have the same argument over and over again"

"I know hon but we don't have much of a choice here. Head to Fort Greyesmorre or keep running from spot to spot"

"But the broadcasts stopped last night. What makes you think they would take us in?"

"Who says they won't? We can at least try. The fort is well armed, well supplied. There we can hold up till all of this calms down"

"Yeah but what if.."

"Candice you need to stop worrying about the what ifs"

"Well I do Jack. We don't have a Plan B and that worries me. What if they won't let us in. What if the path to the fort is swarmed. The what ifs is what I am worried about Jack. Not the fort"

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