Chapter VI

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Fort Greyesmorre, Massachusetts 7:43 A.M

27 hours following the outbreak

4 hours of sleep. That is all Mike got for fighting and moving all day and almost all night. His comrades didn't have it any easier. All day, and all night over 4000 soldiers stood side by side at the gate, trying their best to push back all of Boston's infected from breaching the weakened fort walls. Supplies have been dwindling between the soldiers and civilians. Besides feeding the over 4000 soldiers, the fort has to tend to over 15000 civilians who fled to the forts safety. The base's hospital became so overcrowded that medical tents have been set up all over the parking lots. A riot threatened to form when mysteriously the water has been shut off from all over the base. Despite all that, more have gotten sick and showing signs of turning. A small housing section of the base has been used as a quarantine.

As Mike entered the office of Major Horero, he saw in Horero's eyes that he had it worse. Deep rings of sleep formed underneath his eyes covered in red lines. His uniform still carried the sweat from the previous day. His facial color has vanished and has turned chalk white. Besides his laptop and several stacks of paper, stood a steaming mug of coffee. Coffee droplets cover his desk. In a golden picture frame stood a beautiful brunette holding a two year old girl frozen in time and smiled at Mike as he sat down on one of the two leather chairs affront of Major Horero's desk.

"Morning sir. You look like shit" said Mike as he shook Bink's hand.

Binks laughed and said "You don't look any better."

"Have you gotten any sleep?" asked Mike as he watched Horero chug down his mug of coffee and refill it.

"Not since yesterday morning" said Horero as he felt the stubbles of a beard around his cheeks and chin. "Now to why I have called you here. You have done an outstanding job out there Sergeant but I need you out there again"

"What are my orders sir?" asked Mike.

Binks smiled. "Glad to see you're still ready to fight. Good. The freaks have been bashing at our fences all day and all night. My men are exhausted and can't take it anymore. The fence is threatening to break at any moment and we are spending more ammo then we can produce. It's just a matter of time before the barriers break"

"So you want me to make a diversion. Distract the undead and buy you some time"

"Exactly. We have more problems growing here too. We lost contact with several more nearby bases, people are getting cranky because our water has been shut off, and more people are getting sick. We had to turn two housings into a quarantine zone because of the fences around them and they are quickly getting crowded. Those problems I'd like to deal with first but with all of Boston pounding down my door, it's impossible"

"So what do you want me to do sir?"

"It's very simple. We have outfitted a hummer with several music boxes. You and a driver will head out to a marked location several miles away from the base. Artillery fire from a nearby base will divert the infected away for the moment you need to drive there. Once at that spot you will play the music and hightail back here. And do hurry, we plan on firing our own artillery at that spot. Once back you will receive further orders. Any questions?"

"Am I going by myself or will I have a battle buddy?"

"A Corporal Jenkins is going to accompany you. Guy actually volunteered for this. Oh and you have been reassigned. You are now part of the 313th Strike Battalion, 93rd Infantry Strike Brigade under my command"

"What of my current unit?"

"What's left of them any other units have also been reassigned to the 93rd. You'll probably meet up with them. Can't really say. Finish this, then get back to me. Good luck Sergeant"

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