Chapter X

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Fear,fatigue, and death went through Candice's mind as she and Jack randown the street, hundreds of moaning and hissing infected men andwomen following them at a fast pace. Some began running in all force,their features more decomposed then their fast walking comrades.Abandoned and crashed vehicles didn't make the run any easier as someblocked the road and proved to be quite the obstacle to dodge.Breathing became more difficult as her lungs begin to burn as theyquickly crawled under a truck that has lodged into the buildings withits cargo container blocking the street. Few infected crawledunderneath but due to the circumstances of the truck, the horde hasto squeeze through the gap of the truck several infected at a time,allowing Jack and Candice to leave the horde quickly behind. They raninto a street where three soldiers stopped them with their riflesraised. Out of breath they had a hard time answering the only soldierwithout a tinted gas mask.

"Whoare you?" asked the soldier.

" and my wife Candice..Harrison from Swat..DivisionWhiskey-Alpha" stammered Jack as he's catching his breath. Thesoldier ordered the other two to stand down.

"Iapologize for the rude hello. It's good to see fellow law enforcers.I am Lieutenant Binks and these are my comrades Staff SergeantRobinson," The man to the left waved. "And CorporalJenkins" said Binks as the man to the right waved. 

"I'msorry to intrude but we just ran from a large horde that should beupon us at any moment" said Candice as her lungs calmed down abit. Her lungs became stiff as each draw of breath felt like herlungs are on fire. 

"Thanksfor the warning. We are heading to Fenway Park. Would you like tojoin us?" asked Jenkins. Candice and Jack nodded in agreement. "Have you seen two young women, 20 something one brunette one blondby any chance?" asked Candice., frantically looking around, hoping that the two women she just talked about were with the soldiers. Binks shook his head. 

"I'msorry but no we haven't. They most likely are heading towards Fenwaytoo. Hopefully we'll find them there" Sergeant Robinson saidplacing his hand on Jack's shoulder. He just nodded back, a worriedlook printed on his face. The five then proceeded the oppositedirection as they heard loud moaning coming from the street Jack andCandice came from. As the five got closer to the stadium they beganhearing loud gunfire mixed with the loud moaning a large horde ofinfected make. When the stadium came into view and they entered thelarge parking lot, mostly empty of cars, they spot that hundreds ofinfected men and women push themselves against a sandbag barricadethat surrounds the security gates. 

Fromthe windows in the first floor of the stadium, turret fire could beseen, mowing down any infected that pressed itself against thebarricade. A stack of fallen infected has formed and the alive onesstep over the carcasses only to become part of the mound. Theinfected that were approaching the mound spotted the five and beganapproaching them. Through their gunfire a soldier manning the .308caliber M240B turret spotted the them getting surrounded. 

"MajorMardy, I spot five survivors outside. Soldiers and Swat Officers bythe looks of it" yelled the soldier into his radio. A fewmoments later a big built man with a trimmed beard and short, brownhair entered the room. He saw the five firing at all directions asthey formed a circle and shot down the infected that began swarmingaround them. The lieutenants expression didn't change much as hegrabbed his radio and yelled "I want snipers Mortin and Harrisat the eastern turret point and providing cover. Johnson, I want C4charges armed and dropped on the pile of dead freaks" 

"Yessir!" yelled a male voice from the radio. Another few momentslater and two soldiers carrying FN Fal's with long range scopesentered the room and positioned themselves next to the soldiersfiring the turret. 

"Iwant you two to provide cover for Johnson and those five survivorsdown there!" yelled the Major.

"Yessir!" shouted the two snipers as they fired upon the infectedthat swarmed around the five survivors. Candice, whose mind isfocused on the swarming infected, just noticed that considerably moreinfected fell then she and the four others took down. With herperipheral vision she saw the light a gun makes when fired from thewindows of the stadium. Major Mardy looked down as he saw one soldiercarrying several gray sticks while running to the sandbag barricade.He threw the sticks towards the mound of dead infected and gave theMajor watching a thumbs up as he ran back inside. Shortly after, theC4 went off sending the dozens of infected, that pressed themselvesagainst the sand barrier, back in all directions.

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