Chapter V

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Boston, Massachusetts 11:21 am
Almost 3 hours after the fall of Boston

The bald man's eyes widened as he looks at John kneeling by his front door. He notices the red stained cloth on his shoulder and the worried look on his face. "Jesus Christ it's you John. Quickly help him inside while I distract the biters" The man says in his thick Irish accent as he raises his shotgun at the approaching crowd. The girls jumped at each loud gunshot as they grabbed their coughing father by the arm and helped him into the house. Once inside the man quickly closes the door and barricades it with a built-in barrier.

"Put him on the couch. Oi Candice! Bring me the first aid kit quick!" he shouts while pointing at a black leather couch in the next room. 

As the sisters rested their father on the couch, a beautiful woman with crimson red hair tied to a military style knot rushed carrying a small green pack with a red cross on the center. She wore camouflage pants and a dark green, long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. A necklace with a 5,56mm bullet dangled around her neck as she rushed in, her dark blue eyes lighting up as she sees John. "Oh my god John what happened?" She cries out as she kneels beside him and opens the first aid kit. John grunts in pain as she carefully removed the cloth, exposing a rather nasty bite mark on his shoulder. Excessive amount of blood exited the wound, causing Stacy and Rebecca to look away in disgust. 

Noticing that Jack gets up and approaches the two daughters, still hesitant about the current situation, and takes them to the kitchen. After they sat down he presented them each a steaming mug. After nipping from the mug and confirming it is simply tea did the man finally begin to talk.

"You two must be all shaken up. You probably don't remember me, and I don't blame ye. It's been almost, I'd say, fifteen years since I've seen you two? I'm not sure. My name is Jack Bridger the gorgeous red head tending to your father is my wife Candice. I used to serve alongside your father before he left the Corps and joined the Police Department."

The sister's eyes widen and they look at each other while still nipping on their coffee. "So you do remember me" he says as a small smile forms across Jack's face as he too sits down and leans back. 

"Barely, but I do remember you from Dad's stories and the- "

"Will he be ok?" Interrupted Rebecca with a look of concern on her face. Stacy looked at her and then at Jack with the same look. His smile vanished and the brightness in his eyes dimmed as he lets out a heavy sigh.

"I don't know. The bite looked pretty nasty but- "

"I was able to stop the bleeding and stitch his wound up. For now he'll be ok" Candice interrupted as she suddenly burst into the room. Immediately the two sisters placed their still steaming mugs on the dining table and ran to the living room where a still coughing John lied. Their smiles vanished though as they see how pale he has gotten and that his coughing has gotten worse.

"Hey John. Glad to see you are still in one piece Battle" Jack says with a smile. Heavy pounding continued to come from the locked door. Jack ignored that and grabbed the outstretched hand of his pale friend. Fresh bandages have been wrapped around his shoulder and an empty syringe lies by the open first aid kit.

"Like wise...Battle. How long has it been...since we last have...seen each other?"

"I'd say roughly five or six years" Jack says while trying to maintain the same smile.

"Why is that?" Stacy asks as she sits on the carpeted floor by her dad. Her sisters decided to do the same. 

"Ey Babe, could you continue loading the truck while I sit here with my injured friend?" Jack asks at still standing Candice who was wiping her hands with disinfected wipes. She nods and leaves the room.

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