Chapter XXI

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Outside of Baltimore, Maryland
44 miles away from Washington D.C. 9:33 A.M
3 days after Newburgh 19 days following the outbreak

A cool breeze blows by the young soldier lying on the rocky surface of a large hill that is over looking the I-95 towards Washington D.C. His kevlar vest, clothes, and face cloth are covered in sand and brush. To an unknown person driving down this very highway, that bush up on the hill looks like any other scattered across the hills. Through the scope of his AE MK1 sniper rifle he had a great view of the highway and the landmarks around it. Besides the abandoned vehicles, left behind personal items like clothes and supplies, and the few dozen dead scattered infected; the sniper see a moving infected. With the addition of his suppressor and steady breathing, he had no problem putting a suppressed round in the infected woman's skull.

He drew another line on his note book that is lying next to him. 21 lines cover the paper in a straight order. He stares at his clock and looks up at the rising sun that basks him in warm light. 16 hours have passed since his last order has been given yet he still remains at his spot motionlessly. Doing his business once an hour or sipping on his canteen is the only motion he does. But today he hears not the moaning of the infected or the soft breeze, but instead the engine of a truck. He scanned the highway and spots, at a distance, a military MRAP heading his direction, dodging abandoned cars and ramming several infected in the process. Through the windshield of the approaching truck he sees a figure in black riot gear, tinted gas mask helmet, and a black trench coat and driving the truck and sitting beside him; a beautiful young women with curly blond hair and freckled cheeks wearing similar clothes.

"U.M.B, this is Eagle-Eyes 4. Spotted two Hotel-Tangos driving down the I-95 and heading towards D.C in a MRAP. One male in riot armor, the second female in civilian attire" said the sniper as he carefully places his finger on the trigger, the red dot through the scope aimed at the man's head.

"Let them pass Eagle-Eyes 4," responded a female voice, "We'll intercept them ourselves"

"Yes ma'am" said the sniper before letting go of the trigger and letting the truck. Then he went back to what he has been doing; Scanning the highway and placing rounds into the skulls at any infected he sees.

Inside the truck the young blond stretches and lets out a heavy yawn as she turns to the driver and asks "How much longer Mike?"

"We got another 40 something miles to go so my guess, 30 something minutes" says Mike as he swerved the truck hard to the left to dodge a overturned bus. The young blond looked back and sighed while her expression saddened at the sight of the empty seats.

"I miss them too Rebecca" said Mike as he grabs the woman's hand and squeezes it gently. She smiles at Mike and leans her head on his shoulders.

After 47 minutes of dodging vehicles and ramming several unlucky infected, the hills disappeared the city of Washington D.C came into view. Besides the endless cluster of buildings rose the famous monuments out of place. Rebecca's eyes widened as she sees the Capitol Building and the Washington Monument rise out of the buildings.

Outside of the city, a barricade consisting of reinforced fences and two turret towers blocked entry to the city. Dozens of fallen infected cover the asphalt road leading into the city. A gate could clearly be seen guarded by several soldiers. A walkway has been built on the gate and several .50 caliber turrets of strange design stood amongst the barbed wire. As the truck approached the gate several soldiers appeared, aiming their rifles at Mike and Rebecca

"Stay calm and do as I say" said Mike as he raises his hands in defense. Rebecca followed, her chest filling with fear and her breathing getting faster.

"What's your business here?" asked a soldier with the Sergeant rank as he approached the driver side of the truck. His weapon is, to Rebecca's relief, slung behind the soldiers back. Mike's reflection could be seen through the tinted gas mask the Sergeant is wearing.

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