June 23rd 2017

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Do you ever wonder about all the dreams you may be apart of? When you show up as a guest star in somebody's imagination, but you never had a clue you were there. I assume I'm not alone when I say this, but I think and I often entertain these wild realities with people who I have maybe only spoken three sentences to. However there is something about them that stays in your mind.

If you reverse that logic it almost seems unbelievable. How can I ever be someone who is entertaining someone else's mind, how would I ever make that much of a difference. But if you think about it doesn't it make sense that there are strangers out there who think of you even if it just was three sentences maybe you made an impact.

Dreams in particular are uncontrollable. Sometime the guest stars who your thoughts wander to surprise even you.  Dreaming of people you haven't seen or thought about in ages, yet your subconscious pulls them out for some reason. 

I believe one thing we always forget about people is our own nature. Yes, we're all self interested and only see through our own eyes, but when do we remember people have our exact same thoughts. Let me rephrase. Think about someone. Anyone. That person you met at work, in a cafe, at school. Try to go into their mind. You might understand their appearance and basis of their personality but they too have  a complete history from A-Z and gears turning in their own head. Maybe they're thinking about you too, or maybe their thinking about a part of their world you didn't even know existed.

People have so much history. So many stories that are never told or are only known to a select few. I believe that's a shame. At least 7 billion stories are out there, at the very least yet we know so little. 

That's partially why I started this story. To get my own thoughts and my own stories out their for the world to see, because I don't want my thoughts to end with me. What is the point of dreaming if there's nothing you can do about it.

I know that people want to tell their stories, I'm just testing the waters to see who will listen.

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