Chapter 10-Aussie

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(A/n I couldn't really think of a name for the chapter so yeah lol!)

Haileys pov-

"Alright..You ready to be scared shitless?!"Ryan says sitting down next to me on my left once he put the DVD in.

He managed to get me to watch 'the grudge' which is a really scary movie I do NOT want to see.Ryan and Chaz sat on either side of me and Fredo say next to Chaz.Justin left for rehearsals,unfortunately.I kinda miss him..


"Oh my fuck!"I scream and hide my face in Chaz's shoulder.Everyone laughs.This movie is scary as fuck.

"It's just a movie"Chaz whispers in my ear.

"Scary one"I roll my eyes cautiously looking at the screen again.

Finally the movie ended and I let out a sigh in relief.

"Why do I always let you guys drag me into shit like this?"I say laughing.

"Cuz you love us!"Fredo jokes.Ryan switches the tv onto family guy.

"I love this show!"Chaz claps like a little kid.I laugh.

"Uh..Hailey."Chaz whispers.

"Yeah?"I whisper back.

"Can we private?"

I nod my head.

"Um guys?Me and Chaz are going to go for a little walk"I say standing up followed by Chaz.

"Can we come?"Ryan and Fredo say in unison.

"No"Chaz says quickly.

"Sorry guys"I say following Chaz out the door.As soon as he closes the door he pushes me against the wall roughly yet softly.He presses his lips onto mine and rests his hands on my waist.I hesitantly kiss back,wrapping my arms loosely around his neck.

He pulled back.

"Sorry,I had to do that"he whispers in my ear seductively.I shrug and feel a small smile escape onto my lips.

I really enjoyed that kiss,but It feels somewhat,wrong.Like I shouldn't be kissing Chaz.I mean,I like him,but I like Justin.When I kiss Justin it feels,it feels right.When I kiss Chaz,it doesn't feel that way.Maybe that's a sign of my feelings towards Justin are stronger then they are towards Chaz?

"So..we should probably go for a walk..Otherwise they will think something's up."he winks.

I nod still a little in thought and follow him to the elevator.He shoves his hands in his pockets and looks down,nervously biting his lip.He looks really hot like that..oh my god.

"Is,everything ok?"Chaz says snapping me out of my fangirl-like thoughts.

"Uh.yeah why wouldn't it be?"I ask laughing nervously.

"You were kinda staring at me..."he said a smirk forming on his lips.

"I was?oh.." I say laughing it off.He smiles to himself but let's it go..Thank god.

The elevator doors opens to the lobby and I follow him out the door.

"Lunch?im hungry"Chaz says.

"Your always hungry!"I playfully roll my eyes and laugh.

"Yeah true"he shrugs.i laugh.

"Where to?"I ask curiously walking next to him down the street.

"Mcdonalds!!!!!" He yells like a little kid.

"Ok ok"I say laughing hard as he pleads.

"WOHOOOOO"he says and we both burst out into laughter,earning stares from everyone around us.I blush and walk across the street to Mcdonalds,Chaz following behind.Once we order our food we sit down opposite each other.

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