Chapter 18-What happened last night?

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~Haileys pov~

I wake up in an unformiliar bed,i shoot up,immidietly reggretting that as a massive headache pounds my brain.Then someone stirs next to me.I look to my right and see Chaz lying next to me,lightly snoring.

"Chaz..Chaz wake up!"I whisper/shout.

"Noooo"He moans,shoving a pillow over his head.

"Wake the fuck up!"I shake him.

"Fine...Fuck my head..'He syas sitting up,cradling his head.

"Where the fuck are we?"I look around the luxiory room that we are in.

"The hotel,your dad took us here last night.."He sighs.

"What happened last night?"I say getting out of bed.

"You seriously don't remember?"

"All i remember is drinking a shot and thats it.."I shrug..

"Well,you danced dirty,made out with me,danced dirty agaiin,got into a punch on with some blonde that was making out with justin,then argued with justin.."He chukled to himself.

"Holy shit..I made out with you?"I say suprised,he nods his head awkwardly,getting out of bed also..

"Hm.."I laugh,trying to make it less awkward.\

"that would explain why my lip hurts.."I say lightly applying some pressure to it with my finger,causing a little jolt of pain causing me to wince.

"Yeah.."He nods in agreement.I open the bedroom door to see Justin sleeping on the couch and Fredo and Ryan on the floor.

"umm.."I say and chaz laughs from behind me.

"Wake up.."I playfully kick ryan lightly,he just lets out a small groan.

After a while,we finally manage to wake everyone up,I go to wake Justin up but he just shoots me a  death stare and storms past me to the bathroom.


Then memories of the arguement from last night flushed in my head.I shake my head and walk into the kitchen,filling the kettle with water and boiling it.


"No!"they all yell out in unison,i make a coffee and sit on the couch drinking it,watching the morning news.

The normal news was boring me so i changed the channel and TMZ was on.

"Justin bieber spotted with ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez,holding hands,as they walked out of a studio last week"One guy says,showing a picture of what he described.


"aye man,you with Selena?'Fredo calls out to Justin,causing me to jump as i realise he is standing behind me.

"Fuck you scared me!"I scream playfully hittin his chest.

"Why the fuck should i tell you!"Justin calls out from the bathroom.

"Fiestyy"Fredo mutters.

"Tell me about it..."I roll my eyes.


"Get ready you've got an interview"Dad says to Justin who is in the kitchen on his phone.

"ok.."He shrugs turning off his phone and shoving it in his pocket.

"No Justin seriously,it's going to be live and everything,youve got to make sure you dont say something you will regret.."He says lowly before walking away to answer a call.Justin goes into his bedroom and comes out later dressed and ready to go..Soon Justin has left and we are all waiting on the couch for his interview.Then it finally comes on and Ryan turns up the volume.

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