My demons

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Hey guys this is chapter one of my demons,if you like it then go check it out on my page


Ariana pov-

I open my eyes,unwillingly,to the sunshune peeking through a narrow opening in the silk curtains next to my bed.I look on my bedside table to see the time.


Why couldn't I sleep in lately?

Let me telll you a little about myself,

My name is Ariana Grande,I'm 17 years old,I live with my uncle henry and its a currently 6 week break from school.

I dont live with my parents,actualy I'm glad I dont..Let me explain..


I quietly open the door to my house,shutting it just as quietly,careful to not make any noise.I look into the loungeroom to see my mom asleep on the chair,mouth open as quiet little snores escape her mouth and a can of something alchaholic lying dangerously loose in her hands.My dad was in the same state.

I tip-toe up the stairs,careful to avoid the creaks in each step.Gaining confidence as i near the top,I start going a little faster,less cautious.All of a sudden I land with a loud thump on one of the stairs.


"ARIANA" my dad shouts angrily.

Fear strikes through my body,I scramble up the stairs as I see my dad doing the same.I run into my room,slam the door and lock it,tears in my eyes.


"Get her out of here!"I hear my mom yell.

I slide down the wall,hugging my knees to my chest.

"NO!"my dad roars back,"She's your daughter,you take her!"

I try and block my ears sobbing as quietly as possible.

"I dont want her!"

I stand up,tears furiously streaming down my face.I walk to my draws ad pull out my blade,slicing open my wrist again and again,and then sirens.

End of flash back

The neighbours heard screaming and called the police,they took me away to live with mu uncle,I was only 14,and thats where I am today,a depressed,suicidal teen who self-harms and lives with her uncle.

I groan as i stretch,wanting to go back to sleep but knowing I wont be able to.I throw the covers back,causing me to shiver as the cold air creeps over my skin,goosebumps apearing over my bare legs and arms.I walk into my bahroom and turn on the shower.

While waiting for it to adjust,I turn to my mirror.

I see a girl,a girl with scars down her arms.She's depressed,suicidal even.She's skinny,but fat at the same time.She masters a fake smile everyday,hiding her demons.

My demons.

After my shower,I get dressed into a maroon/purple sweater,back skinny jeans,a black beanie and black combat boots.

I walk downstairs to find a note on the table.

At work,won't be home 'till Friday,we have a long mission.I'm sorry,ive left $500 in the bowl on the bench,be safe.Call me if you need me.

henry x

I roll my eyes,its monday and he wont be home untill Friday,I guess I'm used to it,he is a police officer after all.

I take $10 out of the money and walk out of the house,locking the door before I left.I grab my skateboard and start skating.As I skate down my driveway,I notice a big moving truck next door.

I knew they were selling,but I never knew anyone had bought it yet.

I skate past the house,catching a glimpse of a boy walking out to the truck.He had dirty blonde hair,tanned skin and muscular arms which were covered in tattoos.

All of a sudden I'm on the ground,my skateboard rolling into their front yard.

god dammit Ariana why are you so clumsy!

The boy picks up the skateboard and scans the street for the owner before his eyes land on me,on the ground.

He smiles,wow that smile.I'm not sure if his smile was an amused one or a friendly one,but he walked over to me and helped me up.

"Thanks."I say awkwardly as he hands me my skateboared.

"Its cool,"omg his voice,"I'm Justin,Justin bieber."

a/n no they arent famous in this book.

"Ariana Grande."

"That's a beatiful name."

I feel my cheeks go red and I look down,"not really."

He chuckles.

"So you skate?"

I nod.

"Where are you going?"

"Starbucks."I smile.

"Oh.."he nods.

It's obvious he wants an invatation but I cant,I cant let anyone in,I cant have friends.But I don't listen to my brain.

"You should come,if you want,so I can show you around."

His smile grows,"That would be great.."


I laugh.

"That was a horrible joke.."

"Then why are you laughing?"he smirks,making a good point.

"Touche"I giggle,finishing off my milkshake.

He finishes off his drink and we leave starbucks.

"Should we walk more or go home?"I ask.

"I think we should head back,help my mom unpack."

I nod and we head back,talking about everything.Our family and stuff.I told him about my parents but I didn't give much detail.I just said they were to drunk to take care of me.

Once we reach our houses,we turn to each other.

"I'll see you later?"Justin smiles.

"Sure."I nod.

He nods...

"Well um..bye.."I chuckle awkwardly.

"Bye Ariana."

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