You promised,you lied.

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Quick a/n so I just had a really good idea for this book so I'm actually going to extend the book a little more then planned but don't get to excited probably just a few more chappies then y'all.

Ok continue ----

*Justins pov*

After arguing over who loves the other one more.Me and Hailey watched a few movies before falling asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of water running.I look around and see that Hailey isn't next to me,she must be in the shower.I stretch before grabbing my phone.I see I have 1 new text message.I open it and see it's from Selena.God what does the bitch want now?


Hey Justin,it's Selena.Um I just texted

to see if we could maybe meet up? I

won't try and pull anything,I just need

to talk to you.

what could she want to talk about? I guess I should find out..


Meet me at mine tonight at 7.

I text before locking my phone.As if on cue,the shower turns off and out comes Hailey a few minutes later wrapped in a towel.

"morning babe."she smiles happily,

"Goodmorning beautiful ."I smile getting up and wrapping my arms around her from behind causing her to giggle.

"You know your giggle is really cute?"I whisper in her ear,pressing my lips onto her neck.

"But I don't want to be cute."she pouts.

"Then what do you want to be?"I chuckle and spin her around.

"Hmm,"she places a finger on her chin pretending to think,"I want to be sexy"she giggles.

"Oh you defiantly are sexy."I smirk kissing her cheek before pulling away and putting a shirt on.

"What time is it?"I ask sitting on her bed.

"2:30"she laughs.

"WHAT?"I laugh.

"Yeah we woke up late.."she shrugs.

"Babe,Selena texted me."I pause waiting for her reaction but I don't get one so I begin again,"and asked me to meet up with her.She said she didn't want to try anything she just wanted to talk.."I say quietly.

"Oh,and what are you going to do?"she asks getting out some clothes.

"I agreed.."I say flinching at what's about to happen.

"Oh."she nodded."I'm getting changed."she said before walking into the bathroom.

A few minutes later she came back and sat next to me.

"I'm not mad,I trust you and if she says she just wants to talk,then fine.I trust you,and you have a right to talk to her if you want to,so go ahead,I'm perfectly ok with it."she smiles pecking my lips after she finishes.

"So you're not mad?"I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Nope"she says popping the 'p'.

"Thank you princess."I say hugging her.She hugs back before pulling away.

"Are you hungry?"she asks.

"Yeah,I'll take you out for lunch."I smile and she nods in agreement.


I wait nervously for Selena to show up.What could she possibly want?i really hope she doesn't try anything.I told Hailey to come around at 7:30 so she could spend the night because I thought we would be finished speaking by then but it's now 7:20 and she still hasn't showed up.then the ring of the door bell interrupts my thoughts as it rings through the house.

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