Chapter 1

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-Dezza's POV- (2 years later)

"Good morning babe!" Brandan yells as I walk into the kitchen. I smile. 

"Good morning love. What's for breakfast?" I ask hugging him.

"Pancakes." He says kissing my forehead. Brandan and I have been together since my sister Tylar's wedding.

"You got anything planned for today?" I ask. 

"I was thinking about going to see Ryan today. He wanted to go out and get a present for their 2 year anniversary and I thought I could help him with that." He says. 

"Sounds good to me. The guys are all back in town. I haven't seen them since the wedding. I miss them. I wanna go back to MAGCON." I say looking at the floor.

"I won't stop you baby. You know you can go back whenever." He says. 

"I know, but Sam...Like I just don't want to deal with him." I sigh.

"You can easily ignore him love. Go get dressed. I'll drive you." He says letting go of me. I turn around and walk back to my bedroom to change. I decide on a black and white long sleeve dress with my white platform pumps with gold chains. 

Tyler bought them for my birthday but I haven't got to wear the outfit because there hasn't been anything special since then. I wanna look my best when I see MAGCON again for the first time in 2 years. 

I hear they have a few new people. Their names I believe are Sammy Wilkinson, Trey Schafer and Colby James. I am excited to meet the new guys. 

I have been in contact with Kian here and there but that's about it. Once I get dressed Brandan takes me over to their hotel where they are all playing around. 

I see all of them in the lobby fucking off. They all stare at me, but apparently don't recognize me. 

"Hello beautiful." A stranger says. I giggle.

"Hello." I say. All of them walk up to me.

"Hi, you look lost." Cam says. I laugh. Their eyes widen.

"DEZZA!!" Taylor screams hugging me. 

"Bitch you look fabulous!" Mahogany yells hugging me. 

"Thanks." I blush. I am so shy around these fuckers now.

"BOYS!" I hear my dad yell. I step through the crowd. 

"Hi dad!" I scream hugging my dad. 

"Hey Princess, it's been awhile how are you?" He asks.

"I'm good, Brandan and I just got a new house recently. How is mom?" I ask. 

"She is good. She is napping right now but you can go see her later. Where are you living at kiddo?"

"Here. I live a few blocks down. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something privately?" I ask. 

"Sure honey." He says pulling me over somewhere quiet. 

"What's up kiddo? You aren't pregnant are you?"

"No dad. I want to come back to MAGCON if you will have me. Brandan said he is okay with it." I say. Dad hugs me ever so tightly.

"I was hoping you would come back soon. We would love to have you sweetpea. Mom is going to be so excited and so are the guys. Better go tell them." He says. We walk over to the group. 

"Dezza has an announcement to make guys." Dad says. 

"I'm coming back to MAGCON!!" I scream. Kian is the first to wrap me in a hug. 

"This is amazing I am so happy! We have missed you so much!" JC yells. I laugh. I hug everyone except for the 3 new guys. 

"Is this that girl you guys never fucking shut up about?" The guy that hit on me earlier asks.

"Yes, this is Dezza Bart's adopted daughter." Jack J. says seeming a little irritated.

"Hey, I'm Sammy. That's Trey and Colby. We are the new guys." 

"Hello." I say hugging them too.

"So do you have any advice for us as newbies?" Sammy asks. I smile.

"Just be yourself, and have fun. Like this." I say taking off my heels and jumping into the pool. 


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