Chapter 3

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-Sammy's POV-

After Dezza left I went back to my room. I think she is going to be a fun person to hang out with. Maybe I can get close enough to hear everything about her. I saw white scars on her arms and legs meaning she definitely had a rough past. 

She is a beautiful girl and that guy she is with I have heard takes amazing care of her, but I kind of want to be that guy, you know?

I am brought out of my thoughts by Taylor walking into my room. 

"Hey bro. You okay? You just kind of disappeared on us." Taylor asks.

"Yeah. Just been thinking a lot. Why did that girl leave?" I ask curious. 

"There were so many reasons. She had such a rough time here. The main reason was because of Sam. He cheated on her, so she ended it. I fell for her at one point too. She is so easy to fall in love with, but when you hurt her she does the shittiest things in the world. Let me start from the beginning for you, 

When she was 16 years old she was in an orphanage because her parents died in a house fire. Her sister ran away with the man she is married to now, and her boyfriend was very drunk one night, he beat the piss out of her then committed suicide the next day. The orphanage she was in they used to beat her until she was unconscious. One day she came to a MAGCON event, and we invited her to hang out back stage with us. That day she was beaten in front of us, so Bart adopted her. Come to find out her biological mother is Bart's wife. They were reunited 6 months after her being with us. Around that time she fell in love with Sam. He fell in love with her too, but they were together for only 6 months because they didn't feel that spark anymore. Awhile later they got back together, then broke up again because he cheated on her and she tried to commit suicide. Her sister found her and took her to her wedding. There she tried to commit suicide again because of some things that happened the night before her sisters wedding. The next day at the wedding she got with this Brandan guy that she is with now. Her real name is actually Angel, but we call her by her middle name because that is what she prefers. Anyways, after her sister Tylar's wedding we never saw her again until 2 years later. Today. I hurt Dezza in my own way too by saying some awful things but I made up for it. I still have something for her, but not like I used too. Sam is still madly in love with her but she refuses to step back into those poisonous waters. I don't blame her honestly. The first time she tried killing herself was actually because of me, but we all brought her out of that stage in her life, and I'm afraid she will go back to it if she comes back to MAGCON." He says. 

I sit there trying to comprehend everything he just told me. 

"Oh my God. That makes me want to help her and be with her even more now." I say. 

"I'm telling you from personal experience DON'T even do it, because she has only had 2 other boyfriends besides Brandan. I love that girl to death I do, but I don't want to see her hurt anymore. Seeing her today was crazy because she was the happiest girl in the world, like all of those past terrible memories never existed and I want it to stay that way." He says standing up. 

"You can't make me stay away from someone I think might be a good friend to me. I've been through some shit too Taylor. Even if I can't help her she can help me. I just know it." I say as he walks out. 

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