Chapter 4

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"I'm telling you Sammy, getting close to Dezza is really not the best thing you will ever do. Trust us when we say this, but you might cut yourself open with the broken pieces of her heart." Cam says. 

"We know her so much better than you, and we know the things that she has gone through. We can't stop you, but be careful. Please. We care for both of you and don't want either one to end up hurt." Sam says. 

"Says the one who cheated on her." I mumble to myself. 

Soon there is a knock on the door. 

"Who could that be?" Bart asks opening the door. 

"Hi dad." I hear her voice. 

"Angel what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to get away from Brandan and his friends for awhile. How long are you guys going to be in town?"

"Probably a month or something why?"

"Because I want to come back to MAGCON as soon as possible. Brandan and I have hit a bit of a rough patch and I need some time away from him. He always has his friends over and we never get time together anymore. It's really upsetting me and no matter how much I talk to him about it he ignores me so I gave up. I just accept it." She says sitting down in the empty chair across from Cam and Colby. 

"Well, you can start today then. You know this is just as much your home as theirs sweetheart." Bart says. She nods. 

"Heyyyy Sammy!" She says getting up and hugging me. She hugs everyone else then sits back down. 

Soon there is another knock on the door. 

Bart answers it. It's that Brandan guy and a few other dudes. 

They walk over to Dezza. 

"Brandan what are you doing here?"

"I came to see my baby." He says trying to kiss her. She pushes him away.

"Brandan stop. Go away, you're drunk. Again." She says. He keeps trying to kiss her.

"Come on baby. I want you." He says. 

"Leave me alone, Brandan. I swear to the high heavens I will beat your fucking ass if you don't get the hell out of my face right now." She says sternly catching us by surprise. Brandan steps back.

"I'm gonna go find a whore to fuck then. You never put out for me. Never have." He says. She stands up. 

"If you walk out that door and put your dick in another bitch, you better be ready to pack your shit. I promised myself that I wouldn't be a little victim like bitch to another cheating bastard who can't keep his tools in the box. Go right ahead, but remember you won't have me in bed with you in the morning." She says so sternly that I am actually scared for that guy. 

"Fine. Goodbye, Angel." He says walking out with his friends. 

-Angel's POV-

I sigh as Brandan walks back out the door in which he entered. 

"Dezza are you going to be alright?" Nash asks me. 

"It's Angel, and yes I will be fine. I'm not that whiny, depressed little girl that I was 2 years ago. After Sam I promised myself that I would learn to deal with things a different way, without scarring up my body anymore. I got help. It worked. I needed it. Now I wanna be one of those girls who fixes others that have the same problems I had." I say sitting back down. 

I am no longer the way I was because I learned it only got me pity I didn't need or want. I know that too much can make me snap, but I haven't had to come to that point in 2 years since last time. It's because I got the help I needed years ago.

"You're going by Angel again?" Taylor asks. 

"Yes, bandana boy I am." I say. Taylor begins to blush. 

"You didn't think I forgot that name did you? After all I did begin calling you that." I say laughing and hugging Taylor. 

"No of course I did not forget!" 

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