Chapter 13

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-2 years later-

"Daddy!" I hear Blake yell. So 2 years ago Taylor's now ex-fiance had their son Blake Michael Caniff. Taylor's ex-fiance signed over her rights to Taylor to have custody. We are still in MAGCON but we are not together. 

Recently he has found a girl that I actually like. She seems like she is going to take care of him. He really seems to love her. 

Me on the other hand well that is just another story in itself, but I guess I have time to explain right? 

Well, you see the day after Taylor and I had sex, I realized that I couldn't be with him. He realized the same thing. We are closer than ever though, and Taylor will always be there for me and vice versa. 

If anything that event brought us even closer. Taylor will always have a special place in my heart as I will in his. 

A few months after the event of ours I ended up pregnant. I ended up losing the baby but maybe it was for the best. 

All of the guys have recently started getting a little settled down and became domesticated. Which I think is funny but cute. 

I know that I will find my Prince charming, but maybe I shouldn't get to eager to find him yet. 

I have got so many things to look forward to, like the fact that MAGCON owners are signing the company over to me. Dad is going to be the C.E.O. and mom is going to be the C.O.O and Tour Manager. I think its amazing. 

The boys have no clue yet, but they are going to start getting paid to be on the tour. 

I bet they will be so fucking excited! Well hopefully. 

Anyways, after I had lost the baby I went back into the depression I started with. I cut for months. 

One day Sam my first love walked in on it happening. He promised not to tell anyone because he knows the lectures I would get and I was hurting way to much to get that. I still hurt from it because that was my child, but he or she is now an angel in heaven. 

I have a rainbow baby <3 

Also Taylor had me move in with him and Blake because he wanted someone to help with Blake. 

I'll be moving out soon though because he has his new girlfriend Shaylena moving in. I haven't told him yet because if I tell him too soon he will beg me to stay. 

I know he has a huge ass house and all but I can't be here when he moves her in. I love him way too much to live with him and his girlfriend. In a way I am jealous that all the guys have found their match and I'm over here like bro. 

Any who. I have to get ready for a meeting with the original MAGCON owners. Today is the day that the company is being signed over to me. 

Once the paper work is filled out I will tell the guys, but not until after the meeting. Then we will all go out to dinner or something and I'll tell them. 

I put on a black and white pencil dress, with black and white platform pumps and curl my hair. I also put on a thin layer of make-up. 

All the guys ended up showing up while I was getting ready so now they are going to ask questions

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All the guys ended up showing up while I was getting ready so now they are going to ask questions. 

"You look nice. What's the occasion?" Skate asks. 

"Uhm, Tell you guys later okay? I have to go. See you guys later Love you!" I say leaving quickly. Oh by the way Skate and I have mended our friendship too. 

I get in my car and head over to the courthouse. 

"Good morning, Ms. Tatum. My name is Jake Bower. I am the lawyer officiating the signing of MAGCON over to you." A man about my dads age says. I shake his hand. 

"Hello Mr. Bower. This is my father Bart Tatum and my mother Kenzie Tatum. It's a pleasure." I say sitting down. 

"So today we are signing over the MAGCON company to you Ms. Tatum because we know you will take very good care of the talent. We have been way too stressed and just don't want the company anymore. We decided that you will be the best candidate. Your parents agreed. Shall we begin?" 

"Please." I smile. After about 15 minutes the papers were signed, and officiated. I am now the owner of MAGCON. 

I text all of the guys in a group text.


Meet me at the Water Grill in 1 hour. It's important. I get up. 

"I am so nervous to tell them. What if they get upset? Like I am literally going to be their boss and friend dad...I mean I am thrilled but like you know this is awfully scary." I say. He laughs. 

"It's going to be okay kiddo. You are strong and you got this. I mean if they do get mad they'll get over it. They will be getting paid so what's the worst that could happen?" He says. I shrug.

"We have an hour to get to the water grill. Let's go." I say walking to my car. My parents follow me as we drive to the grill. I see all of the guys's cars here so I walk in a few minutes after my parents. I take a deep breath. 

I walk in and sit down. We all talk then order our food. While we are eating Cam breaks the silence. 

"So what's the news Angel?" He asks. I suddenly get nervous. 

"Well for the past couple months the owners of MAGCON have been talking about signing the company over to someone else. Today they did just that." I say. 

"To whom?" Taylor asks. 

"Me. They said that I would be the best candidate because I didn't have a significant other to exactly focus on so they gave me something to focus on, not to mention they were getting too stressed with it. But the good news is you'll be getting paid for the tours and stuff." I say. 

It becomes super silent. 

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