Chapter 19

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After we find out the gender we go to the store and buy stuff for a party. We decide to make just plain old cliche party invitations. 

The gender reveal and the whole pregnancy is going to be a surprise to everyone.

"Babe what do you think they will say?" Taylor asks. 

"About what?"

"The pregnancy."

"Who cares Taylor. They can all fuck off if they don't like it. The girls weren't exactly planned but they weren't that much of a surprise. But I know what they are. A miracle for the both of us." I say kissing him. "Its our life not theirs. Our choice not theirs. OUR marriage not theirs."

"That is true. I love you. Lets finish this up then get the boys to bed and get some sleep as well." 

"Okay." I say. 

-The Next Morning-

"Good morning Mommy! Our uncles and papa and mimi are here!!" Blake says as they run into the room. I giggle and crawl out of the bed. 

Taylor gets up gets dressed and walks out to the living room. 

I send the boys out then put on a maternity dress that I wore while pregnant with Jax. 

I put on light makeup to cover the dark bags under my eyes. The girls are literally taking a lot out of me. 

I walk to the living room where all eyes are officially on me. 

"Morning guys whats up?" 

"Well we were here wondering if you wanted to go out to the club tonight?" Cam asks. 

"Actually I can't. I can't drink." I say. 

"Why not? You always are up for a drink." Skate says. 

"Guys. I'm 5 months pregnant with twin girls." I say looking at them. 

"OH MY GOD I HAVE GRANDDAUGHTERS NOW!!!" Dad screams hugging me. I laugh as they all wrap Taylor, the boys and I in a group hug. 

"This is the most amazing thing ever!" Sam says. 

"Yeah, yeah it is." I agree. 

"Hey Angel can I speak with you outside for a second please?" Sam asks. 

"Yeah sure." I say following Sam outside. 

"What's up Sam?" I ask. Before I can even say anything his lips are on mine. I push him off. 


"I still love you Angel. I can't keep this a secret anymore." 

"What are you talking about?" I ask. Everyone is now outside by the pool surrounding us. 

"Taylor has been cheating on you Angel. All of us knew but we couldn't tell you because we thought that Taylor would change." Sam admits. 

I look over at Taylor. 

"Taylor is this true?"

"Yes, Angel it's true. I cheated but only once. I slept with someone the night of the Bachelor and Bachelorette parties." He says. 

"With who?" 

No answer.

"Taylor. Who was she?" 


"Taylor I'm talking to you! WHO. DID. YOU. SLEEP. WITH!?" I am now getting angry at this point.

"Your friend Hannah that you met at Tylar's wedding."

"Wow. Just. Fucking. WOW TAYLOR!!!!" 

"I'm sorry." He says. 

"Don't be. I only had 3 kids with you and married you. Ya know just wasted half my life, gave up my company to raise our children you know nothing huge or anything." I say walking inside. I get clothes for Jax and I then we leave. 

I don't know where I am going to go but somewhere other than here. I love Taylor but it hurts like hell knowing that he has cheated on me. 

I pull up to Taylor's dads house. 

"Angel! What a pleasant surprise to see you. How are you?" 

"I got bad news from some friends. Taylor cheated on me. He did admit to it though. He says he slept with a girl the night before the wedding."

"No he didn't. I was there. He was in the room I stayed in. He was practicing his vows all night. I was helping him." 

"Kevin he openly admitted to it." 

He sighs. 

"Come sit darling." He says guiding Jax and I to the living room. Jax crawls in Kevin's lap. 

"Angel, Taylor loves you very much. He would never hurt you in that way EVER. Taylor's alot of things but he is definitely not a cheater. He knows he would lose you and Jax. The girls too. He loves all of you. You're his world. You mean everything to him. He wouldn't ever do anything to harm you, nor would he allow anyone else to harm you, He would slit someones throat for you and the kids." 

"Then why would he openly admit to cheating Kevin? I don't get it." 

"Honey I don't know. How about this. Stacey has your old maternity swimsuit here. Go put it on and relax in the hot tub. We will take Jax and get to the bottom of this okay?"

"Okay. Thanks dad." I smile hugging him. Kev's always been dad #2 for me. I go upstairs to get the old maternity swimming suit I wore with Jax and put it on. 

I go out to the backyard where Taylor is down on one knee in a tux and the others are holding candles. 

I furrow my eyebrows. 

I look at everyone confused. 

"Happy 3 year anniversary Babygirl. I love you and I want you to know that I would never cheat on you EVER. I couldn't ever do that to the love of my life. I said that because we were planning a surprise for you. And since you had to get your wedding set fixed I decided I would re-propose to you and get our vows renewed. I want to renew them every 3-5 years." Taylor says. "So will you Angel Dezarae Caniff marry me, again?" 

"Yes Taylor Michael Caniff I will marry you. Again." I say as he slips the wedding set back on my left hand. 

"I love you. I can't wait for many more years together." 

"I love you too Taylor. Neither can I." 

THE END !!! <3 

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