Chapter 17

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-Taylor's POV-

I watch as Angel walks out very upset...Clearly she is playing hard to get and I don't like that..She is gonna be in so much trouble when I get her to where she isn't pissed at me. 

I don't want any other girl but if she gonna play that way I can handle that. Two can play this game. 

I go downstairs with my shirt slightly unbuttoned knowing I'll have girls all over me. 

I don't want any of them I want her. Just her. A model named Jordyn comes up to me.

"Hey there cutie where's your girlfriend?" 

"I wish I had one." I say. I kinda already have one but she is pissed at me and we aren't even together. 

I see Aaron hug Angel. She looks like she is going to cry. She looks over at me seeing Jordyn clung to my arm. 

Her expression falls and she really looks like she is about to break. I can't take it anymore.

I push Jordyn off of me and walk up to Angel. Right there in front of everyone I kiss her so passionately that everyone around us would have liquid hearts by the end of it. 

-Angel's POV-

I walk downstairs to talk to Aaron because I can't just sleep with Taylor.

"Hey love how did it go?" Aaron asks.

"It didn't happen. He tried to have sex with me and I told him no because I didn't want him thinking that every time I'm pissed sex is going to solve it because it won't. Especially if hes the one that did it." 

"I understand. But you look like you are going to fucking cry Angel." He says hugging me. I pull away only to see Taylor and some chick. She is clinging to him for dear life. 

My heart breaks because I didn't actually think he would try hooking up with a girl. I feel like I am going to just lose it so I decide maybe I should go home. 

That's when Taylor pushes the girl off of him and walks up to me. He kisses me so passionately my heart literally melts at his touch. When we pull away he looks at me with soft eyes.

"I am so so sorry Angel. I love you and I can't let you be mad at me anymore. I hate it." He says.

"Taylor I'm not mad..I never was. I just wanted you to think that so that you could prove to me you love me and you did it. I believe it more now that ever."

"I deserved that." He says. "i'm seriously sorry going about things that wa-" 

"Shut up and kiss me again." 

"Yes ma'am." He says kissing me once more earning ooohhhsss and awwwwwssss.

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