Chapter 9

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I wake up to Nate snoring lightly next to me in the bed. I smile as he shuffles a little bit. 

I remember all the pain from last night that I had gone through. Damon never died, but he tried, then he had the balls to try and make things 'better' ha fucking hilarious.

I thought that maybe I had just gotten over him but I guess I was very wrong. He had to come back apparently. Which pisses me off more than anything. 

I crawl out of the bed and walk to my bathroom. On the bright side MAGCON will be leaving in a few short weeks for our European tour. 

The fans still have no idea that I came back but they will at the show today so therefore I need to get ready. 

I choose black skinny jeans with a red crop top, grey boots, and a simple wavy hair style

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I choose black skinny jeans with a red crop top, grey boots, and a simple wavy hair style. I think I will go without makeup today. 

When I finish getting ready Skate is sitting up on the bed with his head in his hands. 

"Skate are you okay?" I ask. He looks up. His eyes are so red.

"What did we do last night?" 

"I was upset. Your sister and you came back for something here at the hotel, but I was crying. You heard me came in here comforted me then we fell asleep." I say looking at him.

"Don't fucking lie to me Angel.!" He screams. 

"I'm not lying Skate! We passed out right after your sister left." I yell back. 

He sighs. "Promise?" 

"Yes I promise. I don't have a reason to lie to you. Why are you asking me this anyways?"

"Because Angel I have a girlfriend, and I was in here with another girl." He says. 

"You were in here comforting me nothing more. But you can go now. I won't be needing your services anymore. I can comfort myself." I say a little to harshly.

"I just I wasn't sober last night so I needed to know." He says walking to the door.

"Well you fucked up then. I can't believe you would think this. I'm not just one of your ordinary fans that will kill to fuck you. Sad to know that you thought of me that way." I say opening the door for him. 

He looks at me with sad eyes. 

"I didn't mean it like that, Angel." He says. 

"Forget it, Skate. I'll see you around." I say slamming the door in his face. I put on my shoes and grab my phone. I walk down to the lobby. 

After a little bit I hear the guys all talking and laughing behind me.

"Angel is that you?" I hear Taylor ask. I stand up. 

"Yes Taylor, its me Angel." I say laughing. 

"You got tattoos?" He asks. All the guys are staring at me in awe. 

Fuck I forgot about these.! My chest is covered in tattoos and so is my stomach, arms, and legs. As well as my back. 

Brandan is the only one who has ever seen these. 

"Yeah." I say shyly all of a sudden.

"I love them." I hear Skate say. I look at him. He's standing there with I'm assuming his girlfriend.

"Thank you, Skate." I smile. I have to pretend I'm okay. 

"Angel?" I hear a woman say. I look and see my mom.

"Hey mama!" I scream hugging her tightly.

"I heard about last night." She says. "He told me." She points at Skate. He told her about Damon...

"Yeah lets talk about that later. They don't know about it." I whisper. She nods and we all go to our assigned vehicles. 

I sit between Taylor and Aaron. 

Taylor intertwines our fingers. I am too tired to even move so I just let it be. 

Skate looks at me, jealousy burning in his eyes. That's weird, he has a girlfriend?

Without thinking I pull Taylor's lips to mine but he kisses back quickly. 

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