Chapter 14

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"Wait what? They signed it over to YOU? You aren't even experienced in that kind of business. Why you?" Carter asks. I sigh. 

"Because I will be making sure my talent has their needs before anyone else. I am your boss now, but I am your friend too. I don't want me being the owner to ruin anything between any of us. I know I may be inexperienced but you know what? I can learn." I say. 

"No, you can't be our boss and friend. You're the boss now." Sammy says. 

"So you're saying that becoming the owner of MAGCON, made me your boss only?" I ask. 

"Yep." They all say in sync. 

"See dad I told you." I say standing up. I walk outside. I decide to go back to mine to pack my things. I decide it's time to start moving into my small 3 bedroom condo.

I can't believe this...I thought that they would look past the whole me being the owner thing and still be my friends. Of course I thought wrong...

I decide that maybe it's for the best. Becoming the owner wasn't worth losing their friendship over....Or was it? 

I mean how many 21 year old women say that they are the boss/owner of the biggest talent group in L.A.? Not many right. 

I smile to myself knowing this is going to be a very long road but fuck it I'm already here. 

I put on a pair of flats then begin setting up meetings and interviews. I gotta get us some more security, and tour managers. I am aiming to have a European tour in the next 6 months or so. 

The first interview happens to be at the water grill. Hopefully the guys are gone. 

I put my heels back on then meet the couple people at the Water Grill. Of course the guys are still eating and talking. 

"Hello, I'm Angel Tatum. The owner of MAGCON." I say shaking hands of about 4 guys. 

They are looking kind of buff. Good enough for Security. 

"Hello. My name is Dwayne Johnson, this is Logan Paul, Mark Sinclair, and Scott Eastwood. We were applying for Security." A buff guy says. 

"That would be perfect. Can you start asap?" 

"Yes ma'am." 

"Perfect. You're hired!" I say. They all shake my hand again then I walk them over the table where talent is. 

"Hey guys. These are the new Security guards. We needed to add a few more. This is Dwayne, Scott, Mark, and Logan. Guys this is Trey, Taylor, Colby, Nash, Shawn, Jack J, Jack G., Skate, Cameron, Aaron, Carter, Hayes, Brandon, Chris, Sam, Sammy, Blake, Hunter, and Matt. They are the talent. Those two lovely people are my parents Bart and Kenzie Tatum." I say smiling. 

"You are definitely a young one Ms. How old are you if you don't mind me asking." Mark asks. 

"I'm 21. The company was signed over to me today. I am hoping to have a paid European tour started within the next 6 months and I'll definitely need you guys to keep my friends here safe." I say. 

"We would be honored ma'am." Scott says.

"Please Call me Angel." I say. "Do you know anyone that could possibly use a job as a stage manager?" 

"Actually my nephew Tyler could use a job in that field. He took training and stuff for it but nobody gave him the time of day." Logan says. I nod. 

"Send him my information, have him give me a call and we will set up an interview." I say. 

"That would make his day." 

"Great! Well everyone you enjoy your evening I have so much to get done. Thank you so much for coming." I say shaking their hands again then leaving. 


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I know you don't want me talking to you, but I really need you Angel.

I sigh. 

*To Damon* 

On my way. 

I drive over to Damon's house and boy he is not looking so good. His eyes are red and puffy. I feel my heart break. I think I still might have feelings for him. 

I wrap him in a tight hug as he cries into my shoulder. I can't just let him be hurting and not have somebody there for him. 

I don't ask questions I just let him get it all out. When he is finished thats when I ask him. 

"Damon what is wrong?" I ask. 

"I still love you and I am stooping into that depression again. I don't want to feel that." He says sobbing. 

"What can I do to help?" I ask. 

"Don't ever leave me Angel." He says. 

"Damon, I'm here." I say. 

He hugs me again. 

"Please stay with me tonight. I really need someone Angel." He begs. 

"How about you come with me?" I suggest. He packs a small overnight bag and we drive over to my condo.

"You have your own place now?" 

"I've had it but didn't tell Taylor because he would beg me to stay with him and Blake. But Shaylena is moving in next week and I don't want to be there. I don't want to feel like I am intruding on his growing family. Not to mention the owners of MAGCON signed the company over to me today, and the guys were very upset. They wanted me to be only their boss. They don't want me to be their friend anymore so I had to move out of Taylor's house." I say. 

"I'm sorry Angel." He says lifting my chin up to look at him. 

"It's okay Damon don't be sorry, It isn't your fault it's mine for taking the company on." 

"No, don't let that shit bother you. You wanted this, you got the offer, you took it and you won the race. DON'T EVER think it's your fault. You have always wanted something like this and it finally happened. If they wanna be dickheads let them be dick heads. You keep on doing you Angel, because you have been making a life for yourself since I tried ending it. Don't let anyone stop you, because you have came a very long way and you have proved your greatness. Keep it up." He says looking at me. 

"This is why I still love you Damon." I smile. 


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(IAN SOMERHALDER IS DAMON, WHICH IS FROM THE VAMPIRE DIARIES. I know he doesn't have tattoos but this is just an edit I found. I liked it so in this he has tattoos kay? Kay! I love you all so much!) 

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