Chapter 2

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I climb out of the pool

"Now you're soaked." Colby says. 

"I'm aware. Oh well. Worth it." I say laughing. Sammy disappears. He comes back with a pair of sweats, a t-shirt, a hoodie, socks, and a pair of slides.

"Here. Wear these." He offers. I take them.

"Thank you." I smile. Mahogany gives me her room key and I go change quickly. 

I put all of the clothing on. Holy shit it fits me perfectly. I know Brandan is going to wonder why I am wearing another guys clothes but if I tell him they are Taylor's he wont care, but I won't lie to him. 

We all just hang out and have a lot of fun. Sammy sits by me while I talk to the others. 

"So you got a man?" He asks me. 

"Yeah, actually I do. We've been together for 2 years. Met him 2 days before my sister's wedding." I say. 

"Oh that sucks. He is a lucky man. You are beautiful. He treat you right?"

"He sure does. He cooks for me everyday. Even when I don't want him to. He takes amazing care of me. He met me when I was at a low point in my life. I had just broken up with my first love for the second and final time. Little did I know that he would become a huge part in my healing. I met him when I was 17." I say smiling. 

"Cute. Who is your first love if you don't mind me asking?" 

"I don't talk about him much." 

"Okay. Do you know who Sam is that guy over there?" He asks pointing to my first love.

"I did at one point." I say. 

"You did? Is he-"

"Yes, he was the one I had been with. He caused me so much pain. Let's just say that he saved me once, but then put me even deeper into the pain I had already been in." I say. Brandan walks through the hotel lobby door. 

"Hey it was nice to meet you. My boyfriend is here I have to go." I say standing up. I tell all of the guys bye. 

I walk over to Brandan and kiss him. He kisses me back but he is off.

"Babe what's wrong?"

"Why are you wearing another mans clothes?"

"I jumped into the pool with my dress on to show the newbies of MAGCON how to have fun. One of them were nice enough to give me dry clothes so I didn't have to stay in my soaking wet dress. I promise nothing happened." I say. 

He smiles. "I trust you babe. Come on." He says putting his hand on the small of my back and walking me to the car. 

"Dad said I can come back. I start next week. They are going on their first European tour in 4 months." I say to Brandan. 

"That's amazing baby. I am so proud of you, I'm glad you are going back. Just don't let the shit that previously happened, happen again. I hated seeing you like that." He says grabbing my hand and holding it. 

"I promise I won't." I say kissing him. 

"Good." He says. 

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