Chapter 15

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"You still love me?" Damon asks. I sigh. 

"Yes Damon I still love you. I have always loved you but when you 'died' I had finally moved on. But you came back because you were still alive and I just Fuck Damon I can't fight what I still feel. I just- Fucking kiss me." I say. 

"As you wish." He says kissing me. Those sparks fly. I get lost in the kiss. 

We make-out but then we are interrupted by a knock on the door. We pull away from each other and Damon sits at the island in the kitchen.

I open the door to the guys. 

"How did you find me?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows. 

"Your little boyfriend here told us where to find you." Taylor says. 

"He's not my boyfriend. But why are you here?" I ask. 

"Because when I went home earlier I flipped out because all of your stuff was gone." Tay says. I laugh really hard. 

"You flipped out holy shit. I'm dying. Because you guys don't want to be my friends anymore. I'm strictly your boss, remember?" I say. 

"We decided that we don't want that. We want you to be both. You were our friend first. Being our boss makes nothing different." Chris says. I sigh. 

"Technically yes I am your boss but in a way I'm not. I'm only your boss when there's a huge issue, but in all reality my parents are the boss. I am their boss, they are yours, and so on. Sooooo technically if its an issue that they can't take care of because it's out of their authority then that's where I become the boss." I say. "But instead of asking questions you guys just jumped to conclusions and thought that I was gonna be some bossy bitch or something. I won't be like that. EVER." 

"Good. We are really sorry. Will you move back in with me?" Taylor asks. 

"No, Taylor I can't I'm sorry. Shaylena is moving in and you have Blake. I can't intrude with your family. I love you and your my best friend but I can't. I need to live by myself." I say. 

"No, please Blake loves having you there. Shaylena would want you there, and I want you there." Taylor begs. 

"I'm okay here Taylor really. I mean you have a family now, and I know you want me living there but I can't okay. It's because I'm still in love with you and I can't have you. I need to move on from that, and being there isn't going to make things any easier for me. You are going to be a married man in less than a year. I need to start making my move. All of you guys are happy, and I am so happy for you but I have to go find Mr. Right soon too, because before we all know it, things are going to settle down. We will all be starting families and I just...I don't want to hurt anymore than what I already am." I say looking at the floor. 

"Angel, I had no idea. I mean I still love you too but I really didn't know you still loved me." 

"How could you know that? I hid it forever. We are still very close and I don't want anything to ruin that. Everything is so perfect, I don't want to ruin what you have with Shaylena because she is a nice girl. I love that girl and you do too. On a different level but you get what I am saying." 

"Angel, Shaylena and I aren't together. We never really were. I did it to get your attention." 


"I did it because I want you. I love you." 

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