Chapter 5

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"Good! Now what? I remember the days that we used to make stupid vines around this time when we were super bored. I miss it and I am so fucking glad to be home. I should have never left but I met a boy who cared." I say. 

"Ouch. I cared too ya'know?" Kian says. 

"Yes, but we decided on just friends remember. That was your call. The same thing with Taylor. You guys chose that." I say looking at them. 

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Kian says. 

"Anyways, what about a new vine or something." I suggest. 

"Why not truth or dare?" Sammy suggests. Fuck. T OR D gets so crazy with them.

"Okay." We all agree. My dad leaves to go to his room and spend time with my mom. Whom I still have yet to go visit. 

"Okay, so Angel we will start with you. Truth or Dare?" Cam says wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh.

"Cam, is that even a fucking question? Dare." I giggle. He nods. 

"I dare you to.....Make-out with Sammy, Taylor, Colby or Kian. Your choice Princess." He winks.

"Okay...Hummmmm who shall I choose?" I think. 

I crawl over across the 'circle' and kiss Sammy. Then I kiss Colby and Trey as well. 

"Ohhhhhh!!" Taylor screams. I laugh.

"The newbies gotta learn we don't take T or D lightly do we boys?" 

"No we really don't." Hayes says. We all laugh. 

"I look forward to more Truth or Dare in the future then." Trey says. 

"Trust me there will be more and this shit gets crazy too especially with them." I say. 

"Okay, Trey truth or dare?" 


"I dare you to go do the grind on me move on the front desk." I say. He smirks. He pulls me downstairs with him. 

He gets on the desk and begins to do the grind on me move. I record it for quality assurance and training purposes. (lmao).

When he is done the receptionist gives him her number. We walk upstairs back to the room and the guys look at us funny. I show them the video. 

"She gave him her number." I say. 

"Bro!" They scream and bro hug him. 

I laugh. 

"Okay Sam truth or dare." Trey says. 


"Play 7 minutes in heaven with Angel." Everyone's eyes widen what the fuck! Considering mine and Sam's past they are quite scared. They know Trey, Colby, and Sammy don't know anything so they just pretend. I stand up. Sam is frozen in his place. I grab his hand and pull him into the bathroom. I mess up his hair, mess up my hair, wipe off my lipstick and leave a rip or two in our shirts. 

We bang on the door and moan each others names (Fake like of course) 

We walk back into the room. The boys were very convinced so we move on. 

I get up and sit on the bed. It's midnight. I am super fucking exhausted. Maybe it's from the nights earlier events between Brandan and I. 

I just realized I don't have a room to stay in. 

"Hey guys. Where will I be staying?" I ask.

"You can stay in Sammy and Colby's room they have a third bed. If you are comfortable with that?" Hayes suggests. 

"Sure. Sounds great to me!" I smile. "I'm going to run home and grab a few things. Need anything?"

"Nah we are good. But I can go with you in case that guy is there?" Sammy suggests. 

"Sure. Colby wanna go too?" I ask. 

"Yeah, okay!" He says getting up.

"Better be careful. DO NOT let my best friend get hurt." Taylor says standing up and hugging me.

"Taylor, I think if they are in MAGCON I trust that they will protect me at all costs." I say. 

"They will but I'm just worried after what happened earlier." 

"I'm going to be fine I promise. If something happens they know how to call you." I say. 

"Alright. We will keep our phones close. Please be careful. Call us if you need us. Go get your stuff before it gets too late. Love you!" Taylor says. 

"I love you guys too. We will be back." I say walking downstairs with Colby and Sammy hot on my heels. 

"They're really protective over you." Sammy says. 

"Yeah they are. They always have been ever since Bart adopted me." I say unlocking my car. 

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