Chapter 6

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"If you don't mind me asking what happened? Why did you leave MAGCON?" Colby asks. 

"Let's just say that I had a super rough time. I fell in love with Sam. We were together for roughly 6 months until we felt nothing. Awhile later we tried again but he cheated on me. So I tried to kill myself. My sister came back 1 week before her wedding. I met Brandan and we have been together since then, I left because things were way too rough for me. I was at a very low point in my life. I still have feelings for Sam, but I can't be with him I refuse to step back into that because I know I will only hurt myself. I won't go back to those painful days." I say as we pull up to my house. 

"Well, this is it. Looks like Brandan isn't here. His car is gone anyways. Come on lets go." I say getting out of the car. 

They follow me inside. I hear loud moans coming from mine and Brandans bedroom. I feel my heart breaking because Brandan actually decided to cheat on me. 

I walk into the bedroom, grab 2 suitcases, and put my necessities in them. 

Brandan doesn't seem to notice me but the whole time I am packing I am crying. Colby and Sammy stay outside the door. I walk out slamming the door. The moans come to a halt. 

"Angel?" I hear Brandan say behind me with a pair of boxers on. I look at him.

"Good bye, Brandan." I say walking out the front door with the boys. I put my bags in the trunk. 

Sammy opens my door for me. 

"Are you okay?" Colby asks me. 

"I will be fine boys. Thank you for coming with me." I say starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. Brandan is standing on the porch in the light. 

That was the last time I ever saw him. 

We arrive at the hotel and the boys are all passed out. I smile. 

"Let's go to bed." Sammy says opening his and Colby's hotel room door. 

I walk to the bathroom with one of my suitcases. I pull out the sweats that Sammy let me borrow yesterday. 

I walk back into the room and the boys are already loudly snoring. I giggle and crawl into my bed soon falling asleep. 


I hear the screams of my mother, sister and father. Yelling at me to run out of the house. My mother meets me at the front door. My father is behind us.

The 5 story house is going up in flames. The smoke is rolling out of all the windows, and doors. The dogs are barking, our neighbors are calling the fire department. Soon I hear a blood curdling scream. Tylar. 

"TYLAR!!!" I scream bloody murder. 

My mother and father race back into the house to find her. I am left in the front of the house on the cold pavement. 

My eyes are burning from the smoke, my lungs and throat are burning. I cough up black stuff. I look up to see Tylar standing next to me, but my mom and dad are missing. 

"MOM, DAD!!!!!!!" I scream super loud. The fire department arrives. EMT's are taking Tylar and I to the ambulance when the fire fighters walk out with 2 bodies. I feel my heart sink to my stomach. 

Tears pour from my eyes as I watch the body bags get put in a vehicle. My parents burned alive. 

I look over at Tylar who's eyes are just as red and puffy as mine. My heart breaks as we reach for each others hands. Ryan Tylar's boyfriend is running up to us. He hugs Tylar and asks me if I'm okay. 

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