Chapter 11

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After the event was over, everyone got their pictures with the fans. Once the meet and greet half was over I decided that I wanted to go back to the hotel and rest because I really am not in the mood for anything. 

"Hey Angel. Whatcha doin?" Taylor asks. 

"I'm gonna head back to the hotel. I need some sleep. I don't feel well. Have fun with the fans." I smile. 

"Alright. Feel better. I'll text you in a bit to check up on you. Love you!" 

"I love you too!" I say taking a taxi back to the hotel. 

I go to my room and there's Damon standing by the door. 

"Why are you here? I don't want to see you ever again, I didn't make that clear enough?" 

"I miss you Angel. I'm sorry I never told you sooner about what happened. I still love you and I want to be forgiven." 

"Forgiven? For what, getting drunk and beating me half to death, or for almost taking your life because you wanted me to move on to greater things?! I really don't have time for this Damon. I don't feel well. Just leave me alone okay please." I say walking into my room and locking the door. 

I lay down and scroll through Twitter and Instagram. 

I see a tweet from Taylor. 

@Taylorcaniff: So happy I got to see my girl <3 *picture of him and a girl kissing* Sigh. 

@angeltatum: Can't believe I fell in love with you...Goodbye to you. 

After I tweeted the guys begin blowing up my phone. 


Angel what the hell is going on?

*Wilky Poo*

Angel is everything okay?


You good? 

*Aar Bear*

I'm coming to you right now, We are gonna sit down and talk about this. You are gonna tell me what the fuck that tweet was about, Love you bitch!! :) 

To Cammy: Come with Aaron to the hotel. 

To Wilky Poo-Yeah everythings Ight. Come with Cam and Aaron to the hotel I will tell explain.

To Nashtyyyyy: Yeah I'm good. Come with Cam, Aaron and Sammy to the hotel. I'll explain, yeah?



*Wilky Poo* 

On the way


Coming now. See you soon. 

After 15 min the guys show up. 

"Angel Dezarae Tatum what is that tweet about!?" Aaron yells walking in. I laugh. 

"I fell in love with someone. I was stupid for it because he has a girlfriend. He told me he didn't but he really does and I am such a fucking idiot. I love him so much and I just wow uggghhh!!" I yell. 

"Taylor." Cam says. I sit up.

"You knew this how?" I ask. 

"I don't know maybe because you kissed him!" He laughs. 

"Of course you were paying attention." I laugh. "But on a serious note yes." 

"You are in love with Taylor?" Aaron asks. I nod. 

"Yeah I am. But he has a girlfriend. I mean he probably doesn't love her...Well maybe he does." 

"Angel....She...They are engaged and she's uhm, she's pregnant." Nash stutters out. 

"WHAT!?" I yell. "Did the rest of the guys know about this?" 

"We all knew. He was going to tell you tomorrow night at dinner." Sammy says looking down to the floor. 

"Well fuuuck. Oh well. I guess I will be alone forever. But that is okay. I don't need a man to make me happy. Who wanna go out?" I ask. 

"Like a club out?" Cam asks. 

"No a community center...Yes Cam the club." I laugh. He smiles. 

"Let's go." He says. 

"Wait I have to change first!" I say running to my suitcase. I grab something to wear and then go change. 


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I put on a black crop top, with a black and white skirt. I pick black bootie heels and curl my hair. 

"I'm ready!" I say walking out of the bathroom. 

"You look stunning!" Cam says. I giggle. 

"Thanks Cammy. You guys ready?" 

"Yeah." They say in sync. 

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