Chapter 8

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"Damon?" I say. He smiles. 

"Angel. Baby." He says. My eyes begin to gloss over. I hug him ever so tightly.

"I thought you were dead!" I scream into his chest.

"No they were able to pull me through. But by the time I was okay, you had already moved on to greater things in life just like I knew you would." He says. I keep holding him. 

"You still should have told me Damon. My heart was so broken. I loved you so much!! I can't believe this. I used to cut my skin and I tried killing myself 3 times just to be with you!!!!!" I scream crying now. 

"Angel I'm sorry that I never told you. Your mom and Tylar knew. I have been watching you ever so closely, to make sure you have been okay. After I seen you come back to MAGCON I knew it would be a good time to come see you." He says. I finally let go. 

"It's not okay. I could have ended my life, and you were here watching me? I was so hurt that I lost you. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I wanted to marry you, lose my innocence to you, have children and a nice home with you! I could have had all of that but you didn't wanna tell me because I was 'happy'?" I ask making air quotations around happy. 

"Well let me tell you something. I wasn't happy. I was hurting so bad, because you were all I had left. I was in an orphanage where men beat me til I was unconscious. I was beaten every day. The men would try to rape me, and get their way with me! I could have been safe from all of that! But you know what I'm actually happy that I went through it because I met MAGCON. I met these amazing men who helped me as much as they possibly could!! In the end it didn't work, I left for 2 years, I come back. I'm this strong ass independent woman, and then here comes the man that caused my whole life pain, prancing in on his white horse like nothing ever happened?!" I scream. 

"Angel please?" He begs walking closer to me.

"Leave me alone! Don't touch me. Get out of here. I don't want to see your face ever again!!" I yell. He leaves like I ask. I fall to my knees crying hard. 

My heart is even more shattered than ever before. We could be happily married right now. I clutch my stomach and scream so loud that I'm pretty sure the floor below can hear me. 

I have never cried this hard. I hurt so bad. He should have just stayed away. 

I would have been much happier. I thought Brandan was my real true forever, but boy I was so fucking wrong. I loved him too. I love so hard. I love like there's no such thing as a broken heart.

I keep crying, I can't handle the pain of the fact Damon came back....Or that he is even alive. 

Soon I feel a pair of muscled arms wrap around me and lift me up. They hold me against their chest. I cry into the mans chest.

The scent of the male is very new to me. I look up. 

Skate Maloley. 

I try to jump out of his arms but he pulls me closer and tighter to his chest. 

"Aye, ma you are fine. I'm not letting you go until you're okay." He says gently.

A woman sits next to Skate and plays with my hair. My screams of hurt slowly turn into sobs, then into nothing. I look up at Skate. 

He lies me on the bed then him and the girl lay next to me. She plays with my hair still while Skate wipes off my tear stained cheeks. They both kiss my forehead softly. 

"Now tell us what happened?" The girl says gently.

I tell them my whole life story. From the fire, to now where Damon came back. 

"I don't understand. Like you love him right? You guys could try again." She says. 

"It's not that simple though. It's much harder than that. I loved him. Past tense. I'm in love with someone else." I say.

"Who?" Skate asks.

"The guy that I recently broke up with. I was so strong until Damon showed up." I say hiding under the blankets. 

"You are still a strong young woman." The girl says. 

"I don't think so. I mean I'm a fucking hot mess. Look at me, I can't stop crying!" I say as more tears begin falling. 

My heart is hurting more than ever. 

"You are going to be fine, ma." Skate says rubbing my back.

"Not trying to be rude but what are you doing here? Where are the guys?" I ask. 

"We came back to grab something, and then I heard you screaming your head off. I needed to come make sure one of my biggest fans was okay." Skate says. 

"Oh makes sense." 

"Hey, hate to interrupt, but the love is here. He's ready to go." The girl says standing up.

"Okay. Have fun sis. I love you good luck. Call me when you get there." Skate says hugging the girl. She leaves.

My eyes grow heavy. 

Skate crawls back into the bed with me and rubs my back again.

"I'll always be here for you, ma. You are an amazingly beautiful fan." Skate whispers. I smile and fall into a deep sleep.

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