Trying Times (Intro)

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Alyssa Matthews (Junior) was only 16 when she found herself homeless. She'd been arguing with her mother for what must have been the millionth time. It was definitely not a scarcity, she knew that much. By this point she didn't even know what they were arguing about, her mother didn't need a reason.

You see, Alyssa Matthews (senior) was an alcoholic. She had been ever since her husband had left her ten years previous. At first it started with a bottle of wine once AJ was in bed. Then she started to have a glass of wine with dinner or lunch when AJ was at school. Before she knew it, it became her coping mechanism. Whenever she was sober her head flooded with memories and her stomach churned at the sight of her estranged husband's face stuck clearly in her minds eye. So she drained whiskey bottles like they were water and in turn they drained her. All that was left was anger. Anger which she unleashed on whoever crossed her path which unfortunately for AJ was usually her.

So AJ learnt to tread quietly, both literally and figuratively.

She'd spend her days hidden away in her room, chairs and drawers stacked against the door as she binge watched films and TV shows. Her mind would wander as she dreamt of the fictional worlds upon the TV screen, worlds she'd fell in love with. She dreamt of being a part of a family like the Tanners on Full house. She dreamt of finding friends to rescue her from her troubles like Bonnie, Caroline and Elena on The Vampire Diaries.

That first night spent in her car out by the beach she recalled those dreams in her mind. Pain filled her chest and tears flooded from her eyes as her mind crumbled with disappointment.

Devastation. That was the only thing AJ had experienced in her life since her father left. Alone in that car she realised the only true happiness she had experienced in the past ten years, she had felt because of those TV shows and movies. Suddenly the wall she had built up didn't seem so invisible and at that point she realised; even without her mother it was still there.

Her thoughts screamed inside her head. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't dull their noise. It was deafening. She leaned forward, pulling the handle beside her chair to bring it forward. Shuffling through her bag, she pulls out a napkin with an address scribbled in eyeliner and places it on the dash. Quickly grabbing the keys out of the glovebox and throwing her pillow and blanket onto the back seat, she starts the car.

"Are you ready Charming?" 


Authors note

If anyone has any feedback please let me know. 

Thankyou for reading my first chapter. I hope to write many more. 

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