Broken and Shattered

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AJ perched on the rocks, staring out at the water, watching the waves as they crashed against the sea wall. Her blood-stained hands tightly gripping a bottle of Jack Daniels. Downing the amber liquid, it burnt her throat, her stomach churning. Tears slid down her face as she covered her mouth to muffle her cries. It was late and the streets were quiet for miles around. She was sure she was the only person at the beach, the state she was in, she had to make sure she wasn't seen.

She pulled out her cigarettes, taking one and lighting it. Taking a long drag, the memories of the past few days flashed through her head. The explosion, Johnathon, The Lakehouse... Though one memory tore through her like no other.

AJ sucked in a breath of fresh air as she climbed out of the bushes, seething as the thorns dragged across her skin. The daylight was fading and she had to move before he found her. She tried to run but she was weak, her muscles ached with every step. Alone in the woods, she felt truly scared, lost and alone. Lights flashed in her eyes; blue lights. Turning her head, she noticed a building in the near distance. She slowly crept around the tree's, hiding behind the corner of the structure as she watched officers file from the vehicles, grouped on the street.

Her body froze as she watched the club run out, guns in their hands. The police swarming and handcuffing them. Turning and scarpering in the other direction as she watched the handcuffs, slapped on her father's wrists.

Climbing down off the rocks, she walked across the beach, to the car park. Glancing over at her bike, she saw a man stood near it in a kutte. "What the hell" she whined, dragging herself over. As she got closer, her eyes focused and she recognised the Tacoma patch and Kozik's blonde hair.

"Jesus Christ" he muttered, rushing over to her. He ran his eyes over her body, noticing the cuts, bruises and torn clothes. "What happened?" he murmured as he placed his hand on the side of her face, running his thumb over the gash above her left eyebrow.

She flinched under his touch, panic rising in her as she stumbled backwards away from him. "Don't touch me" she slurred, tears streaming down her face, leaving streaks in the blood and dirt that covered her skin.

"Hey, AJ, it's me Koz..." he murmured as he edged slowly toward her. His brow furrowing as she crept backwards. Tripping, she fell to the floor, the bottle of jack slipping from her grasp and shattering beside her.

"What are you doing here?" she croaked as she sat on the floor, her hands covering her face.

"Everyone is real worried about you sweetheart" he cooed, slowly sitting down about a metre away from her.

"How did you find me?" she sighed deeply, moving her hands away from her face and staring down at the gravel floor.

"The bike, we thought it was stolen..."

"Well it wasn't, so you can leave" she snapped, stumbling to her feet.

"''lyssa I can't do that, you need to see a doctor..." he said, standing up and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"No!" she yelled, cutting him off before climbing on her bike.

"Shit, I didn't wanna do this" he muttered before marching over, picking her up by the waist and throwing her over his shoulder.

"Put me down" she yelled, kicking at his stomach. Her heart battered her ribcage as she strained to control her breathing.

"No can do darling" he sighed, wrapping one arm around her legs to restrain them. He pulled out his phone, dialing Opie's number.

"Hey man, is everything alright?" Opie asked as he picked up the phone on the first buzz.

"I got her with me... I'm taking her back to the clubhouse but I'm not sure how long she'll stay"

A sigh of relief left his lips, followed by a short silence. "Alright, I'm on my way" he said before hanging up the call, throwing his phone down on the bed.

 Grabbing his boots, he slipped them on. He slipped on his kutte before picking up his phone and keys and walking out, into the clubhouse. Glancing around, he couldn't see anyone left awake so he slipped out quietly.

Walking over to his bike, he felt sick with guilt. He'd avoided AJ since she yelled at him about Kenny and Ellie, too scared to face her. But now, with her in trouble and every one behind bars, he had no choice but to face up to her. He could only imagine the shit storm headed his way. He took a deep sigh before strapping on his helmet. Jumping on his bike, he sped off toward the airport.

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