Out of Bounds

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Hours later everyone still sat in the waiting room, now joined by Opie sat talking to Jax. Clay and Gemma sat talking across the room and Chibs sat glaring at Juice who'd fallen asleep with AJ. 

Happy and Tig had also fallen asleep, laid across the waiting room chairs.

Chibs checked his watch, it was coming up to 1.AM and they still hadn't heard any news about Abel.

At that moment, Tara walked in, those still awake stood up, dragging their sleep deprived bodies over to her. 

"The surgery went well, Abel's stable" she said, a smile on her face.

The room filled with sighs of relief as everyone began hugging each other. 

"What's going on?" AJ mumbled stirring from her sleep and unwrapping herself from Juice's arms. 

"Abel's out of surgery, everything went well" Jax said, walking over to her. 

"Oh my god" she squealed throwing her arms around him. "That's amazing Jackson, I told you he was a  fighter" she said, looking up at him grinning.

Pulling away from him she looked around the room. "What happened there?" she asked quietly, nodding over to Juice. 

" You fell asleep on him and then he fell asleep" Jax shrugged "I guess he wrapped his arms around you in his sleep" 

She nodded lightly. A feeling of guilt rising in her stomach, she knew Juice liked her, everyone did but she didn't feel the same. She had her eyes set on someone else, a man she could never have and yet she still couldn't seem to shake the feelings she had for him. 

It's not that she didn't love Juice, she adored the man. But not in the same way that he adored her. To her, he was her best friend, he always knew how to make her laugh and supported her through thick and thin, much like the rest of the club. There was no spark, no passion that she could feel, it was platonic.

Sometimes she thought, her and Juice might work but she couldn't risk his heart on a chance. Though something inside her kept her from telling him;  A hope that someday she could fall for him too because Juan Ortiz is exactly the type of guy you want to fall for. Unfortunately for AJ, she often fell for the other kind. 

The dangerous kind, the hard to get and the out of bounds. Alyssa Matthews was, much like her father, drawn to the crazy; the eccentric; the taboo of this world. Also much like her father; it was often her downfall. 

AJ found her heart racing as she caught her breath at Tig's hand on her shoulder, pulling her from her thoughts. 

"Christ Dad" she muttered, bringing her hand up to her chest. "You nearly scared me half to death" she snapped as her breathing calmed. 

He chuckled lightly. "Come on baby girl, everyone's up, Jax is gonna sleep here tonight to be close to Abel but the rest of us need to go home to sleep because Gemma's got us all doing party preparations tomorrow" 

"Alright, let me just say goodbye to Jax" she said, walking over to where he was stood, near the door, talking or more to the point, flirting with Tara.

She scoffed as she saw him pull that famous grin, causing him to smirk at her. 

"I'm off home, just came to say goodbye" she said smiling at him before turning to scowl at Tara. 

"Alright, we'll see you tomorrow" he said before pulling her in for a hug. "Careful AJ, you're turning into Gemma" he whispered sarcastically in to her ear, earning a jab in the ribs. 

"Ow!" he yelled chuckling as he held his ribs. 

"My dad's been teaching me a few moves" she said smirking before turning and following the rest of the guys and Gemma who were leaving. 

Gemma glanced down at her watch, noticing it was 5AM and everyone had to be up to help out with the party for 8. "Let's all stay at the clubhouse tonight and I'll make everyone breakfast in the morning" she said, looking up at Clay as she held on to his arm. 

"I think that's a great idea Gem" he said, leaning down and kissing her. 

AJ felt a hand on her back, she span round to find Chibs smiling widely at her. "Whats up Scot?" she said, fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

"You're with me tomorrow. Gemma has me on birthday cake duty, I gotta go pick it up from the little bakery in town and I can't get it on my bike sooo.."

"You want me to let you drive the mustang?" she said, looking at him with hilarity. 

"Come on darlin', why don't yer trust me?" he said, edging closer to her, maintaining eye contact. 

"That car is my baby, Chibby " she said looking up at him. 

"Aye, okay then you can be the one driving it" He said, dropping his shoulders in defeat. 

"That I can do" she said before jumping on her bike. 

Chibs chuckled  lightly as he watched her pull on her helmet. 

"It's a good thing yer wore shorts under that dress" he said, looking at her with amusement. 

"Are you sure about that?" she said, her heart racing at her brief spurt of confidence before she smirked at him as her bike came to life and she rode off toward the clubhouse, Chibs following closely behind. 

Once they reached the clubhouse, they entered to find the Bobby lay across the pool tables with a brunette crow eater, straddling him. 

"I'm going to bed" she sighed, rubbing sleep out of her eyes as she walked off toward the dorms. Walking into the first empty dorm room, she dropped into bed, her eyelids flickering shut. Minutes later, Chibs entered the room. "AJ darlin'" he murmured before noticing her sprawled out on the bed. He smiled lightly before walking over and covering her with a blanket. 

"Goodnight" he whispered, leaning down to kiss her gently on her forehead.

He stood up walking back to the doorway, turning off the light before taking one last look at her. "I love you" he sighed, shaking his head before leaving the room.

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