Loss of a Mother

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"Donna's dead"

Those words cut like a knife wrenching in her stomach. Tears poured down her face as she felt Chibs pull her into his chest wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"I've got to go Darlin'" he murmured into her ear, leaving a kiss on her forehead before turning to follow Jax and Clay who had already headed for their bikes.

"I'm coming with you" she said, grabbing her jacket off the arm of the sofa and quickly putting it on.

"You are not going anywhere, Donna has just been killed, I want you where you're safe" he yelled.

"I'm safe with you Filip" she said, walking past him toward the door, she pulled out her keys from her pocket, finding her bike keys from the bunch.

"No!" Chibs yelled as he followed her out "If you go, you ride with me"

AJ nodded, putting her keys in her pocket before grabbing her helmet off her handlebars and jumping on Chibs' bike behind him.

"Ye sure you'll be alright with your hand?" Chibs asked, starting the bike.

"I'll be fine Filip, just go" she yelled and he pulled away following Jax and Clay.

They pulled up at the crime scene to see Opie pull up in Donna's car, he got out running toward Donna. Jax, Chibs and AJ ran after him while Clay went to talk to Unser.

AJ watched as Jax ran to Opie, enveloping him in a hug. Her eyes dropped to Donna's body and she brought her hand to her mouth, muffling her cries. She's gone, she's really gone. Her mouth tasted acrid as she strained to not throw up from the grief. She watched as Chibs and Jax pulled Ope away from Donna and followed behind as they took him away from her. She wiped away her tears with the sleeve of her jacket, reminding herself to be strong for Opie. He needed all the strength he could get. She stood frozen, lost and staring in to space as Opie, Jax and Juice left. She looked around and could see a few kutte's but the tears blurred her vision and she couldn't make out faces.

She noticed Chibs walk over to his bike, she followed climbing on after him. Wrapping her arms tightly around Chibs, her thoughts turned back to Opie. If She felt like this, how lost must he be feeling? And then her thoughts turned to Kenny and Ellie. That was one feeling she could relate to, losing their mother. She turned her head to see where they were, recognising a few buildings close to the clubhouse.

As Chibs pulled in she noticed Juices bike parked up. They got off, walking up the stairs, in to the clubhouse finding him sat at the bar. Chibs looked at him before turning to AJ, furrowing his brow. She knew what he wanted, for them to sit with him. AJ nodded, too tired to argue. She followed Chibs as he took the seat beside Juice. She walked around the bar grabbing some beers, a bottle of jack and some shot glasses, placing them down in front of Chibs. Walking back around the bar she took the empty seat beside him.

"I'm sorry" Juice said turning to look across at AJ.

"Me too" she murmured, staring blankly at him. "I can't imagine how Ope must be feeling right now..." she trailed off, dropping her head she stared at her feet.

"It's your loss too you know, she was your best friend" Juice said, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and pouring three shots. He pushed one towards AJ and another to Chibs before downing the third.

AJ looked up, shaking her head no. "She was Ope's wife and Kenny and Ellies mother...how I'm feeling can never compare to their loss" she said grabbing the shot and downing it before chasing it with a beer.

"It still matters" Chibs said, turning to her and pulling her to his chest, cradling her in his arms.

"I really fucking miss her" she bellowed into his chest as she fell apart in his arms.

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