Daddys' Little Girl

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It was finally time for the party and everyone was rushing around doing last minute preparations.

AJ walked in, dressed in a red lace dress with her combat boots and leather jacket. She looked over to see Chibs sat at the bar, glass of whiskey in hand. She walked over, taking a seat beside him. The prospect placed a shot of Jack Daniels in front of her with a beer "Happy Birthday"

She nodded at him before downing the shot and chasing it with the bottle of beer. "Coming for a joint on the roof?" AJ asked turning to Chibs beside her. She ran her fingers through her hair and her heart raced.

"Aye" he said, grinning at her. She picked up her bottle of beer and jumped down off the bar stool, he did the same and followed her up to the roof.

AJ pulled out a joint, lighting it up and taking a few tokes before passing it to Chibs. "I really love you Filip Telford" she sighed, looking out at the water. She bit her lip lightly as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress.

"I love you too Alyssa Trager" he said, placing his hand on her shoulder and pulling her into his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her. "But darlin', if your dad knew..." he started.

"So, what if he knew, fuck what other people say Filip, it's how we feel that matters" she said, pressing her lips up against his.

"Aye darlin', maybe you're right but still you're his little girl... it's his worst nightmare" he groaned, pulling away from her and pacing.

"So, what?" she snapped, her voice filled with disappointment.

"Darlin' I just don't think it's a good idea right now" he pleaded. She sighed shaking her head before leaving and going back to the party.

A few hours later and a bottle of JD in, AJ sat on the edge of the pool table, talking to Juice. "Dance with me" she giggled as the music slowed pulling him toward her by his kutte. Juice picked her up placing her down on her feet in front of him, placing his hands on her waist. AJ rested hers on the back of his neck as they swayed to the music.

Chibs' sat across the room watching them closely. He watched as she laughed at his jokes and crept closer as they danced. A sickness rising in him every time Juices fingers brushed against her skin and he wished they were his. He watched as Juice leant in, pressing his lips against AJ's , running his hands up her body...Chibs was overcome with jealousy, storming over to the pair, he shoved Juice back in to the pool table.

"Oh shit" Gemma muttered.

"What the hell was that for?" Juice snapped, flying at Chibs throwing him to the ground. The pair rolled around throwing punches at each other for about five minutes before Clay called a stop to it,

"Enough!" he yelled causing both guys to climb to their feet.

"Come with me, shithead" AJ muttered, taking Chibs' hand and leading him into his dorm "Sit down on the bed, I'll get a cloth to clean you up" she sighed walking in to the bathroom and coming back with a warm cloth and some antiseptic. She pulled up a chair in front of him and began tending his wounds.

"I'm sorry" Chibs said gruffly as he watched her closely.

"Shut up" she muttered, taking antiseptic and placing it on his busted eyebrow causing him to wince "big bad bikers scared of a little antiseptic huh?" she chuckled as she treated the rest of his cuts.

He leant in kissing her, catching her off guard, his hand rested on the side of her face. He placed his hands firmly on her hips, pulling her in to his lap and wrapping his arms around her back. The kisses became more rough and sloppy before they were interrupted by Gemma walking in the room.

"Christ" Chibs muttered, rubbing his jaw.

AJ stood up, blushing followed by Chibs.

"I knew it" she chuckled, confusing them both. "Everyone else on the other hand is a bit confused" she explained.

"Aye" Chibs nodded, looking from Gemma to AJ and back again. "Can yer ask Tiggy to come in please Gem?" he sighed.

"Sure" she nodded leaving the room. Gemma was happy that AJ and Chibs had found each other. They brought out their better sides; AJ brought out his gentle side and Chibs gave her the type of strength she was going to need to be a part of this family. Tig on the other hand, she wasn't so sure he'd share her feelings.

"Chibs wants to talk to you" I said, nodding at Tig.

"Alright" he sighed, walking toward the dorms. Gemma placed a hand on his arm stopping him.

"Make sure you listen sweetheart" she said and he turned to nod before walking off to Chibs' dorm. "What are you gonna tell him?" he heard AJ's voice behind the door. "The truth" he heard Chibs reply.

"What's that brother?" he asked as he pushed open the door.

"I love her Tig..." before he could finish, Tig had threw him to the floor and was laying in to him. "Dad!" AJ squealed "Stop it!". The guys all ran into the room, Happy trying to pull Tig back off Chibs. Jax ran over to help and they held his arms so he couldn't get Chibs.

AJ dropped to Chibs' side, tears running down her face. "I love him too Daddy" she whimpered, glaring at Tig before looking back down at Chibs laying dazed beneath her.

"Jesus Christ" Tig muttered "I'm sorry baby..."

"Get out!" she yelled at him. Jax and Happy released his arms and he walked out with his head in his hands.

"Looks like he'll be alright for now" Tara assured "he just needs some rest and ill check him over in the morning"

AJ nodded, numbly.

"Somebody needs to stay with him" Tara said to Clay before giving Jax a kiss and walking out.

"I'll stay" AJ said, stroking Chibs' hair. Jax and Happy helped him into bed and then everyone left. His eyes flickered open a small smile appearing on his face as he watched her doting on him.

"You were right" she sighed.

"Aye but I don't care" he said, his Scottish accent thick "If this is what I get..." he paused biting his lip as he made eye contact with her "I'd gladly let him punch me a million times" he chuckled. 

He watched her as he grinned mischievously. Flipping her on to her back, beneath him. Leaning down he trailed kisses up her neck and began to nibble her ear lightly making her gasp. Pulling off her dress, he gazed down at her "You are so beautiful" a moan escaped his lips as he trailed kisses over her stomach and breasts. His calloused fingertips gripped her wrists tightly as he held them above her head. 

"May I?" he whispered in to her ear, his voice breathy.

"Yes" she sighed happily as she kissed him deeply. 

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