The Journey

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It felt like an eternity since she'd started driving, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. The trees that lined the road blurred around her as tears began to fall again. Groaning, she pulled her car to the side of the road, jumping out and climbing up onto the dull rusted bonnet of her mum's old red 1997 mustang she'd taken from the garage.

She pulls out a cigarette, taking it and resting it between her lips for a second whilst she fumbles for her lighter in her pocket. As she began to pull it out, the rumble of motorcycles filled her ears. Jumping off her bonnet she turned to see four guys in leather vests pull up behind her car.

"Ye alrigh' there lass?" one of the man asked in a deep Scottish accent. As he approached, AJ ran her eyes across his face, noticing deep scars donning his cheeks. Her eyes then travelled up to his brown eyes and salt and pepper hair. Butterflies flickered in her stomach as she admired his looks.

Suddenly, she fixed her eyes upon the patches on the mans jacket. Recognising them vaguely from the memories she had of her father. She stepped forward, striding toward the three men sat behind him on their Harleys. Noticing they were wearing the same patches.

"What do they mean?" she stated, unknowingly voicing her thoughts aloud.

The man let out a throaty chuckle catching AJ off guard. "Sons of Anarchy, we're a motorcycle club" he stated plainly.

She nodded slowly, trying to process the information. Her dad was in a motorcycle club? Or is in a motorcycle club? The memories she had of her father portrayed him as a gentle and kind man. The thoughts swam around in her mind. She felt her breathing become ragged and her chest tighten.

"Do you know Alex Trager?" she croaked out, then everything went black.

Chibs watched the blonde stranger in front of him curiously as she shuffled nervously in front of them. He had figured it was because of the kutte. Until he heard those words leave her lips.

He noticed her stumbling, lunging forward he scooped her up in his arms. Gazing down at her face now, he could see the girl in the picture that Tig showed him. It was Tig's daughter, it was AJ.

"Is she alright man?" Jax shouted before running over with Halfsack and Juice trailing behind.

"No idea, she just collapsed" he muttered, still staring at her face. "I'm gonna drive her to St. Thomas in the mustang, call and have someone pick my bike up" he continued as he walked over to the car and laid AJ in the back seat.

"Who is she brother?" Juice asked, staring at the figure in the back of the car.

"No clue, didn't get a chance to find out" he lied. If there was one thing Chibs hated, it was lying to his brothers. But as far as he knew, Tig hadn't told anybody else about her.

"All right brother, give us a call when you know what's going on" Jax replies pulling out his phone and walking off to make a call.

Chibs rushed over to the car, fumbling into the driver's seat and starting the car. He pressed his foot down on the accelerator, speeding off in the direction of the hospital.

His eyes flickered between the road and the young girl lay down behind him. Slipping his hand in his pocket he grabbed his phone, dialling Tig's number.

"Hey brother, what's up?" he asked groggily.

"You need to get to St. Thomas now. We found AJ"

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