Because of You

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Tig pulled into the parking lot in TM, Happy and Piney following behind. He jumped off his bike and threw the helmet on the handlebars. Pausing to take a breath, he ran his fingers through his hair staring at the entrance to the clubhouse. Through those doors sat his little girl, oblivious to what he'd just done. Oblivious to everything.

"Christ man, what am I meant to say to her?"

"Just tell her how you feel, that girl in there has had a shitty life; you fucked up, her ma really fucked up. But brother you got a second chance, be honest this time" Piney nodded patting him on the shoulder before walking up the steps and into the clubhouse.


"Piney's right man, just be honest with her" he said following Piney inside.

Tig was left alone outside contemplating the past couple of days and more than ever, the past ten years. He sighed, adjusting his kutte and walking inside.

He saw AJ right away, across the room playing pool with Juice. He watched her smiling as she potted a ball, she reminded him so much of Alyssa. AJ had Tig's bright blue eyes and curly hair but aside from that; everything else was her. Even those curls resembled Alyssa's golden bangs. A small tear slid down his cheek. He hated her for what she'd put their little girl through but he felt for the woman he fell in love with all those years ago. That's what he'll remember every time he looks at AJ, not the monster she was at the end.

He walked over to AJ placing his hand on her shoulder, she turned to look at him. A hint of a smile flickered on her lips, followed by a scowl.

"Where the fuck you been?" she yelled.

The bustling clubhouse fell silent, all eyes on Tig and AJ.

"I'm sorry baby girl I had some urgent stuff I had to do... uh... for the club" he hesitated, shuffling nervously.

She watched him, certain something wasn't right. Her eyes widened when she realised what her dad had said before he left.

"What the fuck did you do, Tig?" her heart pounded against her ribcage.

"Baby calm down please, lets talk in private" he said, placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her to one of the dorms. She sat down on the bed and stared at him.

"You really are something else aren't you" she glared at him.

"Listen AJ, baby, you're my little girl and nobody gets away with hurting my family"

"So what do you do then, Tig? You go kill people because they don't follow your rules"

"AJ she hit you! She put you in hospital so yeah I killed her alright!!" he bellowed.

A few tears slid down her cheeks as she quickly wiped them away with the sleeve of her grey hoodie. She brought her knee's up to her chest, hugging them tightly to her.

"She was still my mom" she whimpered.

"No AJ, she wasn't, I saw her, that woman who done that to you, she's not the same woman that gave birth to you, who cared for you and loved you, she died a long time ago when I walked out"
"You're right, she changed because of you. She drank because of you. She hurt me because of you and she's dead because of you. All this is your damn fault for walking out" she snapped storming out of the room.

He followed her as she walked through the clubhouse and into the parking lot, heading for her car. 

"Get back here, I'm not done talking to you" he yelled as he chased after her.

"Well I'm done talking to you" she scoffed opening her car door and jumping inside. 

"Baby wait, please, I want to make it all up to you please just give me a chance"

She glanced down at the watch on her arm before laughing cynically. 

"Who am I kidding I have no place else to be, I just can't stand being around you" she sighed looking at his tired face. "Talk. You have until 5, after that I'm gone, don't much like driving when its dark so.."

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