Hell or High Water

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It had been a few hours since the excitement of AJ and Freddies reunion had calmed down and Kozik had finally managed to fit the last of the boxes in the van. Sliding it in place like the final piece in a game of tertris, he stood back and smiled in relief.
"DONE" he yelled before turning to see AJ approaching, with a huge box of books.
'Ah shit, 'Lys I was done, the van is packed from top to bottom, front to back"
"Good, this is the last box and it's precious so you gotta look after it" she smiled before heading toward the passenger side door. Bringing one of her legs up to relieve the weight of the box before quickly removing her left hand to grasp the handle of the door and yank it open.
She climbed inside, cradling one the box, the word 'books' scrawled on its side, she noticed a large crate in the back of the van. Her nose scrunched up as her face contorted in disgust, she set the box gently down before jumping out again and pacing over to Kozik.
"What the fuck is this shit?" She snapped, pushing him on the shoulder.
"Hey, calm down lys' he shushed her, placing his hand gently on her shoulder.
"Don't you fucking dare "Lys" me" she said, smacking his hand away. "You get this shit gone now, this is not alright, not with Freds here, no chance" she uttered angrily, her voice barely above a whisper but it still sent a chill down his spine.
"I...uh...listen, AJ, it's clays orders I can't really argue with..." he started before being abruptly cut off by AJ shouting back "I don't give a shit who's orders, I don't give a shit if god came to tell you himself to move that lot but it's not happening, not around Freddie" she said, louder this time.
"What do you expect is gonna happen bringing him to Charming then?" He scoffed, shaking his head as he jumped back in the drivers seat of the truck.
"I could stay here instead with him if you like, my moms place was owned, is technically by me now, we can just live there" she spat back.
"Ooh you could try but it wouldn't work out, you were the number one cargo on Clay's list, I'm getting you back to Charming one way or another" he half laughed, shaking his head before driving off, back to the clubhouse to offload the crate again. "Be back in half an hour" he yelled quickly before he was out of earshot.

It was more like an hour by the time he arrived back to check on the pair he had already christened, the devils duo.
They were sat on a bench a few metres away, their laughter echoing around the whole block. As he got closer he noticed a pyramid of empty beer cans at their side.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He yelled as he got near to them "What the fuck is this shit?"
AJ flinched briefly before something else took over and she jumped to her feet, squaring up to Kozik.
"Don't fucking start on me, alright? I think I've earned a drink or two, don't you?"
"One, two, three yeah, maybe a couple more but there's gotta be 40 cans here, two of yous and I've been gone an hour" he snapped back at her.
Her hand tightened to a fist, her shoulder coming back but before she could swing, Freddie was on his feet. He threw his arms around her in a bear hug before picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
"Quick thinking" Kozik said, raising an eyebrow at him.
"It's not the first time she's got drunk and thought she was a giant" he replied before hearing Alyssa groggily mumble "I hate you".
"Still not the first time Lys" he sighed before taking her and laying her down in the back of his car.
"Charming, here we come" Kozik said, a look of utter dread on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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