Little Girl Grown

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Two years later, AJ sat curled up in her bed thinking about the promise she'd made to her father. Never a son. She cursed herself for making that promise. 

Tig barged in the room, interrupting her thoughts.

"Hey birthday girl, what's going on? We've got to leave to get to the clubhouse soon"

"You think I don't know what you're up to?"

" I don't know what you're talking about"

"Well, I hope you haven't planned a party because I told you literally a hundred times I don't wanna celebrate" she said firmly before walking over to her wardrobe and picking out a black t-shirt dress and her combat boots. 

"No party, we're just going to the clubhouse because I have do with Jax" he stuttered. 

"A thing?" she said sarcastically, raising her left eyebrow.

" TM.."

"You're a terrible liar Tig"

"Okay so.. I might have invited just a few people for a little get together"

She rolled her eyes before running her fingers roughly through her curls. 

"How many people is a few?" she sighed deeply.

"Just you know, the guys, their old ladies, Happy and Kozik are gonna be there, from Tacoma"

That made AJ smile. She'd became good friends with Happy. Kozik was alright too when her dad wasn't picking fights with him. 

"And that's everyone?" she asked.

"Yeah..." he said "and maybe a few crow eaters" he added in a whisper. 

AJ heard every word. She scoffed, rolling her eyes at him. "Classy" she said sarcastically before grabbing the rest of her clothes and walking into the bathroom. Shutting the door behind her, she slid down to the floor, her head dropping in to her hands. 

Half an hour later she emerged from the bathroom dressed and ready to go. 

"Wow! You look beautiful baby girl" Tig smiled as she came down the stairs

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"Wow! You look beautiful baby girl" Tig smiled as she came down the stairs.

"Thank-you Daddy" she smiled back, walking over and giving him a hug before grabbing her car keys and heading for the door. "Lets go then" she chuckled lightly waiting for him.

"Oh no, you can't take the mustang today" he said, hiding a smile. 

"What? Why? Have you fucked it up? I knew I shouldn't have lent you it" she huffed walking back inside and dropping down onto the couch.

Tig burst out laughing. 

"Nah I haven't fucked your car up, thanks for the vote of confidence" he said.

"Well why can't I take it then?" she sighed. 

"Because I thought you'd wanna take this" he said smiling widely, handing her a set of keys with the Harley Davidson skull logo printed on. 

"Wait, you're letting me drive your bike?" she said furrowing her brow in confusion. She'd asked him time and time again to let her ride it but he wouldn't let anyone on his bike. 

He chuckled lightly. "You know you're not allowed anywhere near my baby"

"Then what?" she asked, still clueless. 

"Christ AJ, come with me" he said before striding out of the front door. He pointed to a black 2006 Harley Davidson Dyna Sport Bob, sat next to his bike.

"Happy Birthday baby girl" he said grinning.

"For me?" she said, shocked. Tig nodded lightly in reply.

AJ squealed running up to him and throwing her arms around his torso. "Thank you so much" she murmured into his chest.

"Anything for my little girl" he said stroking her hair. 

Pulling away from the hug, she skipped over to the bike, taking the baby pink helmet off the handlebars and strapping it in place. 

"You remember what Jax taught you?" Tig asked before jumping onto his bike. 

"Every little detail" she nodded. Tig didn't doubt it, she'd written everything down. That's how he found out Jax was teaching her to ride. She'd left the notes on her bed one day after leaving for school. He was angry at the time until he realized there was no stopping AJ getting on a bike. He'd rather a brother he trusted teach her than her try and end up hurting herself.

"Catch me if you can" she chuckled climbing onto her bike. 

"Don't you even.." he started but before he could finish, she accelerated away "try racing off" he sighed shaking his head.

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